My Dragon Gobie probs


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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Hey there, newbie here, not to fish keeping tho. ive got a 3 ft x 2ft x 1ft tank with the following in it:
x2 Tinfoil barbs
x2 Fire parrots
x4 SA corydoras
x2 Clown loach
x1 Clown Knife
x1 Plec
x1 Dragon Gobie

what the problem is tho, ive only had this goby for about a week now and he's not eating anything, the bloke at the shop said he will eat frozen bloodworm, and jelly bloodworm and live food, well i tried the first two and he didnt even touch it. then i finally bought 10 neons from work today and put them in, altho about 5 went by him he didnt move a bit jus shrivled round digging him self into the sand more and lying under the lava rock. well as for the neons the barbs ate them, poor things.
any ideas on what to try and feed him.

graham -_-
i ahve no idea what to feed him but a clown knife in that tank i think u should reconsider it is far to big for that tank
Not all dragon gobies are brackish fish, there are two commonly seen species available in the trade one of which is a true FW fish.

Dragon gobies are filter feeders which struggle to cope with anything but the smallest of foods, newly hatched daphnia and brine shrimp make the best foods but even these need to be directed straight at the gobyto ensure it gets some of the food.

Please dont take offence but you are heading for trouble with the current stocking of your tank, the tinfoil barbs and clown knife fish are going to get seriously far too big for a 3ft tank.
Thanks for your input yes i know how large the tinfoils, fire parrots and knife fish can grow to. at the mo the knife is only about 4 inches if that long, and the tinfoils are 3 inches. currently where i work we are awaiting new tanks which measure up at almost 6ft x 2 ft x 3 ft, which im going to invest in and leave the fish at that. I may buy some brine shrimp and place it next to him so he eats as im starting to get worried about him now :sad:
my dragon gobie [6"] must be an oddity, he loves chopped muscles.[the shellfish,not as in pecs!!] he also goes for frozen bloodworm, catfish pellets and flake if it lands in his way. having said that he took two weeks to start eating. hope he eats soon. :byebye:
he filters at night and when your lights are turned down low, turn them down low and put an alge wafer in fron of him or some brime shrimp, make sure he can see it he cant see very well (the agle wafer should be gone by morning)

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