My Discus Just Passed Away - Help, I Am Devistated


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
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Well I am so upset.

A discus just died - my favourite discus. He was a brilliant turqouse and was perfect up till this evening.

Some info - I feed 4 times a day a mixture of flake, pellets and treats occasioanlly. Water parameters are perfect. Temperature is 28 c (ok, maybe a little cool for discus). Ph is 6.8 Again not perfect, but the others are fine.

The weird thing is this one was perfect whe nI left for work this am. One other discus has white spot - very mild case. I quickly spotted and yesterda ytreated the tank wit htetras whitespot stuff.

Came back tnite and he was floating on the bottom, minor gill movement and being poked at by the other fish. A plec was sucking on him. I twas like he was dead. Lok at the photo.

What happened - it looks like he is rotting or he is burnt or something.

Was it the whitespot he never had? Could that happen in 12 hrs. Was it other fish?

Was it the treatment chemical. Was is it removal of carbon from filter tmrw?

I am distraught, upset and worried for my others.

He was my pal - he followed me, he watched me, he liked me!

He was the biggest in the tank, so Icant understand why he would be a target. He passed away a few minutes ago.

What do I do???
I'm sorry to hear your sad news... :(

There isn't a photo attached - is there supposed to be?

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