My Diatoms Has Gone?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I;m delighted it has as its horrible looking stuff and I used to suffer a fair bit from it but just noticed last night its gone

Could it be that due to using chaeto for last 2 weeks thats changed the stats a bit? will do a nitrate check now as thats always been about 25

Simon :good:
That does tend to happen, all of a sudden they disappear once your tank is more stable, you may get them back but I use it as a message from the tank to tell me to do a bigger water change!!

Seffie x
Diatoms use mainly silicates as a food source... They basically eat all their food and then starve because there's none left.

Great to hear yours have gone :good:
I;ve changed nothing though bar salt as I use a reef salt rather than the salt mix I was using and the chaeto. when I get round to it I;ll check params see what they say
Well done mate. Mine are just on the way after setting the tank up. Im not looking forward to them coming. Your tank must look so much nicer/cleaner now.

It makes a huge difference to be fair the tank looks so much brighter as the diatoms really did make a mess of the bottom

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