My Dad at the LFS


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
My dad and I went to the market today to pick up a few things and on the way home he says "let's go and have a look in the aquatics place!". So, we end up zooming to the place where I buy all my fish. They had loads of new stuff in there this week (puffers, mudskippers and loads of gorgeous bettas) so I was more than occupied staring at all the new things there.

I'd been hinting that I wanted a kuhlii loach for easter this year and he wandered off (I presumed he was checking to see how much they cost). While I was busy looking at the puffers he bought me two kuhlii loaches... and a betta. A very VERY pretty betta, the kind that you see and your knees kinda wobble.

So now I've got them in bags getting used to my tank. I'd put them in the 15G I had on loan only it went back yesterday morning and it's already in use by my neighbour. So in the past two days I'll have put 4 fish in.... no more fish for me for a long time (unless he sneaks off there again).
well it seems like ur dad knows something about fish my dad keeps telling me that the O2 level in my tank is not dood enough and that i need more fish (the tank is already slightly over stocked) and my mum forbids new additions to the tank. so i think ur pritty lucky.
he's fish obsessed though.

We travelled 60 miles yesterday afternoon to go to a garden center.... and I only just managed to stop him from buying me even more fish!

Everytime we go somewhere fishie he tries to buy me stuff, it's insane sometimes.
Hi ladynaoko and Tropjunky :)

You are both so lucky to have parents who take an interest in your fish and want to encourage you and share your hobby. :nod: It's a wonderful thing to work together with a mom or dad to make an aquarium.

Why don't you encourage them to join the forum too. That way they will learn just what fishkeeping is about and will be able to help you in a more constructive way.
Beside, the forum is for people of all ages and they would enjoy participating in it as much as you do. :D
if my dad joined the forum I would be DOOMED.

He's computer illiterate...last night he came yelling for me because he didn't know how to click on web links
As a real show of commitment see about having a 100 gallon tank :rofl:

I'm still working on convincing the wife :whistle:
I can't get a 100G.... he's too busy looking for one for himself!!!!
Our house is gonna be FULL of tanks in the future
i wish my parents took interest. i have to get a larger tank for my fish because they are going to get to big and they wont let me buy a 29 gallon that comes with everything for only 45 dollars. IM the one that pays for everything even the gas when i go to the fish store. Anyways im going to have to get rid of my fish because they are going to get to big.
Patrick333 said:
i wish my parents took interest. i have to get a larger tank for my fish because they are going to get to big and they wont let me buy a 29 gallon that comes with everything for only 45 dollars. IM the one that pays for everything even the gas when i go to the fish store. Anyways im going to have to get rid of my fish because they are going to get to big.
Same with mine. Oh well, what can you do :dunno:

The funny thing is that my dad says if I stay at home to go to university, he'll get me a 30 gallon :lol: I want to study away from home though.
the only time my parents really show any interest is when I find fry. I can't pull my mom away from the little guys long enough to feed them.

Other than that, they really don't pay much attention to the tanks.

Oh well. They like that I'm going it, but don't care one way or the other
the only time my parents show interest in my hobby, is when i buy a new tank i get the full 'why are u wasting ur money on them again?' lecture :(

the bf likes it tho... even tho he wants my quarintine tank for a zebra teranchula :sad: :crazy:
the only time my parents show interest in my hobby, is when i buy a new tank i get the full 'why are u wasting ur money on them again?' lecture

same here! i hate that lecture
nightlife20 said:
the only time my parents show interest in my hobby, is when i buy a new tank i get the full 'why are u wasting ur money on them again?' lecture :(

the bf likes it tho... even tho he wants my quarintine tank for a zebra teranchula :sad: :crazy:
Ask if they would rather you spent your money on blackjack and hookers :hyper:
Hey,wait a minute...I'm the "parent " here. I have 3-30 gal tanks up and running,along with numerous smaller tanks,and I always heard from my daughter(who doesn't even live at home anymore) that I really shouldn't be wasting all my money on fish. This is a girl who always needed at least 1 of every kind of pet. She had red eared slider turtles that she fed "feeder" fish to them. Well,one of the feeder fish lived through it somehow,turned out to be rather pretty,so she bought a little tank,"to save it". To make a long story short,recently I've been talking about bigger tanks constantly.One day,we were at the LFS,and a woman started talking to my daughter about her goldfish-Next thing I know,my daughter's buying a 75gal. complete set up for 150.00!! She was there cause her goldfish was to big for her 10gal,and seriously thinking about buying a 20gal,that she thought was bigger than what she wanted!!! When she told me that the woman wanted to get rid of her smaller tank for a 150.00,I told my daughter"let me get my checkbook out"! WELL>>>>>Guess who decided to get the bargain afterall..... The moral of this story is,keep talking to your parents,keep showing your interests to them,because there is a good chance when they see how serious you arre about the hobby,they'll give in... Most kids go through phases...I can't tell you how many pets my children have had that they eventually lost interest in,so everytime my kids wanted another pet,I took it with a grain of salt,and pretty much tried to ignore them! :D I do have to tell you though,that out of my 2 children,my daughter was the more serious and passionate-She still has her original red eared slider....Must be around 14 years now. P.S. Sorry so long!!!

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