My Current Stock Ok?


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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Hi TFF!. Its been a while since ive visited this site. I was wondering if you guys could answer a few questions of mine. Currently in my 55 gallon i have the following:
Cobalt zebra x4
yellow lab x4
Yellow tail acei x4
cobue afra x4
ps. demsoni x1
red zebra x1

Do you guys see anything wrong with this stock. All my fish are around 1-1.5 inches. All of them are peaceful except for my biggest cobalt zebra who has become the dominant in my tank. I need some advice on my tank. Im gonna be taking out the cobue afra to make room to get maybe more species for my other fish. Would it be ok if i add maybe 4-5 more fish like more callainos and labs? Also i do water changes every 2 days. About 5-10% of the water i take out. Is this ok or do i stick to 25% WC every week?

Any help would e nice thanks.
Anyone? I need help :blush:

The key is to make sure you don't have too many Males, and to not have conspecific species (i.e. closely related)
Aim for 1 Male with 2-3 females in each group,

If it was me i would also rehome the red zebra and demasoni as both can be very aggressive when mature and you already have one Metriaclima and one Pseudotropheus species in the cobalts and aceis

Also in a 55G i would be only aiming for around 12-15 adult fish unless it is particularly well filtered
Anyone? I need help :blush:

The key is to make sure you don't have too many Males, and to not have conspecific species (i.e. closely related)
Aim for 1 Male with 2-3 females in each group,

If it was me i would also rehome the red zebra and demasoni as both can be very aggressive when mature and you already have one Metriaclima and one Pseudotropheus species in the cobalts and aceis

Also in a 55G i would be only aiming for around 12-15 adult fish unless it is particularly well filtered
i have good filtration.(emp 400, whis ex70) Also gonna be buyin maybe an fx5 when money allows. Also my cobalts are dominating the tank. I think there is 3 males and 1 female! So ill have to rehome some males to. Anyway if i take out the afras, aceis, zebra, could i add some demasoni to give my male demasoni some company. I want to buy around 10 dems for my tank to bring the number to around 19-20. Would this be ok?
I like these fish best in groups of their own, because they are very social fish and single specimens are the most likely to start hassling other fish. In my 75g I keep 8 Acei, because they behave like schooling fish, 6 yellow labs, 6 Sprengerae, and a single male peacock. I've kept different setups over the years and tried different things and stopped keeping mbuna in singles a while back and have come to prefer the milder types.

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