My Current Bettas


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2010
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Finneus and Levi both recently passed away, so I decided to get some new bettas to fill the tanks. :)

Big Red is still thriving, and is as gorgeous as ever.

Now, the part you all have been waiting for! (Not really...but whatever. :blink: )

My Halfmoon betta (purchased for personality, not coloration). His tail is a bit tattered right now...when I cleaned the filter the other day I forgot to change the setting back to the lowest flow. :/





My newest, a dragonscale named Draco:





Last but not least, Big Red. I'm not sure still if he's a Delta or a VT...He keeps changing. At one point he looked like a Delta, but now his tail is so long it resembles a VT. He's over 3 inches long, not counting tail length.

I'm using an older picture of him as he is camera shy and won't let me get a good picture.


No name and Draco's tanks at night:




Tanks in the daytime:



Also, I need to get 2 or 3 new aquarium lights for the tanks. My current one is rusting, and seems like it is dimming a little. The site that sells the one I have is currently out of service. I'd like to get another 13 W light of some sort...but I don't know what. Any ideas?
Lovely fish and lovely tanks - what size are the aquariums? I like your use of smooth pebbles as a substrate, IMO nicer than natural gravel :rolleyes: Draco has some stunning colours, were they bought from a breeder?
Lovely fish and lovely tanks - what size are the aquariums? That dragonscale has some stunning colours, was it bought from a breeder?

They are 2.5 gallons, heated and filtered. I'd have them each in a 5 if I had space, but they seem pretty comfortable.

Actually, I found him at Petsmart the other day. He was the most vibrant of the ones there, and the smallest. They just started carrying dragonscales about 2 weeks ago, and I've been eyeballing them. :rolleyes:
What a great find he was :good: I'm in the UK so no PetCo here, but I wish there was if they sell fish like that. All I had ever heard is all negative things about them. Pets at Home, a UK pet store 'giant' similar to PetCo, only ever sells VTs and occasionally crowntails and usually only in the more common colours (red, blue/violet, black, etc)...

Also, I need to get 2 or 3 new aquarium lights for the tanks. My current one is rusting, and seems like it is dimming a little. The site that sells the one I have is currently out of service. I'd like to get another 13 W light of some sort...but I don't know what. Any ideas?

You could look at the Arcadia range, not sure on the number of watts they are sold in though.
What a great find he was :good: I'm in the UK so no PetCo here, but I wish there was if they sell fish like that. All I had ever heard is all negative things about them. Pets at Home, a UK pet store 'giant' similar to PetCo, only ever sells VTs and occasionally crowntails and usually only in the more common colours (red, blue/violet, black, etc)...

Also, I need to get 2 or 3 new aquarium lights for the tanks. My current one is rusting, and seems like it is dimming a little. The site that sells the one I have is currently out of service. I'd like to get another 13 W light of some sort...but I don't know what. Any ideas?

You could look at the Arcadia range, not sure on the number of watts they are sold in though.

He has the greatest personality too! He's not aggressive, and even with my tanks side by side, he doesn't pay the other betta any mind. :) I've never had a non-aggressive betta. It's nice for a change haha.

Petco here doesn't carry any dragonscales. They carry halfmoons, an occasional plakat, rarely giants, and mostly crowntails and VTs. I always get my bettas from Petsmart though. They take fairly decent care of them, and have started carrying halfmoons and dragonscales very recently-hence why I now have a halfmoon and gorgeous dragonscale. If I had the space, time and setup, I'd definitely consider breeding him. He is a handsome boy. :wub:

Arcadia..I'll have to check them out! I think the one I have is a Jebo 13W. I have live plants in the tank, and was told the 13 W would be a good light for it. It's really hard to find stuff that will work for 2.5 gal tanks.
Ah, I meant Petsmart, we don't have those either. I believe my 7.8 gallon to be lit by 11W and it appears pretty highly lit, so in 2.5 gallons I wouldn't want to go too high, though I suppose it's down to personal preference.
I have found some beautiful bettas at petco. Breeder quality ones. You just have to stop and look at EVERY ONE to find those hidden gems. Your bettas and tanks are beautiful
Ah, I meant Petsmart, we don't have those either. I believe my 7.8 gallon to be lit by 11W and it appears pretty highly lit, so in 2.5 gallons I wouldn't want to go too high, though I suppose it's down to personal preference.

Ok, good to know! :) I have been having a hard time finding 13 W lights for small aquariums.
I love your tanks decor lovely fish too :)

Thanks! I like the more natural look :) I still have to get stuff for my other fish', Big Red's tank, to decorate it nicely...but at least I have these two done now....I think! hehe.
Great fish and a great setup by the looks of things :good:

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