My Cunning Plan To Add To My Fishroom


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
Well I'm 13 And After Seeing Everyones Drip Systems And Barracks.. I Wanted One Myself... But Only On A Small Scale So It Was Cheap And Easy To Service. Ok So Enclosed I Have A Picture For People To Study, May Look Complicated And It WILL Confuse You So PLease Ask If You Are Confused...


Oh and this is only going to be around 1 meter off the ground (thats the pipes over the tanks) so i can get away with a weaker powerhead so the pump isnt straining... Does this look a good idea?


  • plan1.PNG
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Just to add to this... here is my theory:

A pump in the filter/sump will pump the water round the pipes (or the blue lines on the diagram) and it will continually pump it round. A non return valve will be fitted on the upright part on the left hand side so once it has passed it it wont go back, infact ill probably add 2-3 just to be safe. Then the water will be continuously pumped round and round the system. When i need to do a water change i will turn the valve im putting on the bottom of the tanks and the water will drain back into the filter ready for the every other day water change (ive changed my mind on the %50 weekly) and i will fill it back up by opening the valve above the tank therefore the water drips back into it.

I hope that makes sense :D

Also i forgot to add on my drawing that i will have small holes drilled in the bottom of each tank with airline siliconed to it for drainage wit a valveon the end... i have come to the conclusion that i will leave the valves open at various stages so it is even...

PLease tell me if anyone can see any flaws in this system :)

It's a good start. I don't have a betta barrack but have seen other people's designs. Some things to think about here:

The hole in the bottom with the adjustable air hose--what happens if the betta drops a BIG load that stops up the exit hole--won't that box overflow the top which might be dangerous to fish, system, floor?

Heat--how you are going to heat all those boxes? I've seen set ups where the water (not sure in your drawing but maybe where the filter is--where all the water collects before being routed back to the fish boxes) had a heater in it so the circulating water was warm. Not sure how the water stayed warm enough to get to all fish boxes though.

UV filter. Since you'll be circulating the same water to each and every one of your fishes, if one comes down with something, you could be faced with complete contamination before you can do anything about it. If all your water goes through a UV filter, whatever bad stuff (plus algae in the water which in time will build up) will be killed keeping your fish safer. Might want to look into that.

And have a backup plan--what happens if there's an electrical failure while you're at school or work or out somewhere for hours. Your system stops pumping but the outflor values keep draining off water. Can your collection tank hold ALL the water in the system without flooding and more importantly, what happens to your fish?
Mine only plans to be a few tanks big... maybe around 15 tanks... so i dont think at this stage i would want to buy a UV filter for this size system :) I plan to get a tub taller than i need it so any over flows will be dealt with as the tank would hold enough. Im only out during the day for 6 hours (at school) and my mum kindly agreed to help with anything i needed help with. IE Feeding fry etc so im sure she could go up and shut the valves in case of a power failure, but i've never had a power failure in this house so... fingers crossed :D


Edit To Add:

Heat Supplied By A 150 Watt Heater On Its Highest Setting 30oC to make sure that when its going around when it loses heat it should be around the right temperature...

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