My Cuc Idea


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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right so i think my first part of CUC will be this

4 blue leg hermits
1 emerald crab
2 mexican turbo snails.

Then if i can find nass snails 4-5 them.

then over time various shrimps crabs and others
donya suggested them to me as i am hoping to get a conch. because the conch shell would be best for halloween hermits.
if i could i would :look:
Very interested in this thread :) Making the same choices at the moment, I quite liked the look of the blue legged ones :(
Blue legs are more busy than other hermit but they stay small. What about Cerith snails?
I am avoiding blue legs as some say they can be a pita!!!

So can any hermit when placed under bad conditions. Mind if I ask where this info you're getting is coming from?

Small Clibanarius have consistently ranked at the bottom for everything I have seen of hermit strength and aggression. The idea that they will even be able to make more of a pest of themselves than something like a Ciliopagurus strigatus (what I assume you're referring to by "Halloween hermits") simply doesn't make sense from a physical ability standpoint. Ciliopagurus strigatus is able to reach into openings that seem to thwart small Clibanarius species, probably because the arms articulate a little bit differently. For example, from what I have seen, healthy Nerites generally can't be popped open by a small Clibanarius hermit, but a Ciliopagurus strigatus with similar-size claws seem to have little trouble doing so.
I will try and find the website I saw it on in a bit!! I can't remember where but I read the red legged are better than the blue as they are less likely to cause damamge to others in the tank.
i have also heard that, but Donya recomended them, and she is the expert. so not a hard choice :good:

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