My Crystal Red Shrimp Tank


Nov 18, 2008
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After a lot of time money and messing about I think my crystal red shrimp is now how I want it.
It had sand in it at first but as there is not a lot of water flow the sand soon looks messy.
I redid the tank but now it look empty so down to the LFS for some move plants. I also came across one of the best looking pieces of wood iv see, so as you do I got that to.

Well here's the photos of the tank.









And some of the shrimp







Thank you for looking and all your help.
Maybe white sand is not for you if the poo looks dirty, the tank looks fine for shrimp though. In the crs tank depending on how hard your water is you could consider getting a soil like ADA or one that reduces KH and therefore pH. Otherwise sand is good as they can turn it over and dig out any food in it, if you are not growing rooted plants you only need a little sand though if you want some trumpet snails then it should be deep enough for them. With gravel if its too big they cannot move it and some food will fall through and be out of their reach. If breeding is your priority then a few slow growing plants is enough like the moss balls and the java moss, a few floating plants are good at keeping the water sweet. A lot of fast growing plants can out compete the micro life (awfuchs) that the shrimp like to eat, for the new born shrimp this food is important. As for the shrimp shelter they would use it but any wood or rock that they can hide under is fine. CRS mums more than cherries like to have dark places. Some dry leaves (oak, Indian almond)are useful too as they give hiding places and grow food as they decay.
I use a mix of tahitian moon sand and laterite in my crs tank with good grow results. Although just the black sand would look great with the red and white shrimp.
I redid my shrimp tank I think it looks better this tank is now for CRS and the smaller tank will be for mixed shrimp.
Get MTS and over feed and you will never have shrimp waste spoiling your sand although your sand may appear to be constantly moving like the sea due to the mass of snails underneath.
CRS breeding


The Crystal Red Shrimp is not as difficult of a species to breed like some believe. Like all hobby shrimp, the Crystal Red Shrimp can breed just as readily as most other Caridina species. It will also produce just as many offspring given that the water is clean and the parameters are suited for this species. For more information on the reproduction cycle of freshwater aquarium shrimp please read the article Shrimp Reproduction.

The babies of the Crystal Red Shrimp are colored just like their parents just after hatching. However, the grading of the offspring cannot be performed until they grow more. You will see the red/white coloration in the Crystal Red Shrimp Offspring but not any detailed features/patterns which can differentiate between grades.

Unfortunately the Crystal Red Shrimp is a severely inbred species. Obtaining higher grades means that breeders will produce offspring from the same genetic strain. Due to the overbreeding the Crystal Red Shrimp can be more delicate and succeptable to diseases as well as slight changes in water conditions as mentioned in the water parameters section. This is why it is recommended that you gain experience in shrimp keeping first. Photo of a baby Crystal Red Shrimp below.

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