My Crazy Cat


Fish Herder
Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I woke up this morning and my cat was meowing her head off. And this was 6 AM in the morning. I wanted some more sleep :/ . I finally got up and I was walking to her cot food dish and she was leading the way like normal. And then things got really weird. She looked and me and not the way she was walking. She didn’t even see the wall in front of her and *POOF* She ran into the wall at full speed. Then she got of and ran for her food dish because she is one hungry kitty. I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. I almost fell over :lol: :lol:

Here's my picture of Whiskers.

I have a crazy cat!
I had a cat that got its head stuck in a cup. I found it banging into things with a cup over its face. I ended up having to take it off myself. Had a good laugh over that one, though!!! :lol:

My parents had a Persian named Tavias once. Dumbest cat I ever heard of. Most cats, if you catch them eating your food if you left it on the counter and you start yelling at it to scare it off just start eating faster. However, if you were sitting in the living room and you thought you heard Tavias snitching your food, all you had to was yell, "TAVIAS!!!" and he'd jump off the counter even though you weren't there.

Another time, in the middle of the night, he somehow backed up into a roach trap and sat on it, even though it was in the most unlikely place. We still don't know how he managed it. Anyway, he got the roach trap stuck to his butt. We heard him going around the house,"Thump, thump. MEOW!! THump, thump. MEOW!!!" :blink: :lol:

Yet another time, my mom was cleaning a 40 gallon hex aquarium which the cats liked to sit on. Despite the fact that there was no cover on it, Tavias got the bright idea to sit on it anyway. My mom says she's never seen anything that could walk on water before, but that cat sure did!!! He barely got his paws wet. :lol: :lol:
I love cats! and your's is great! I used to have one called whiskas but sadly he passed away aged 19! We have 2 at the moment and I have another 2 who live with my parents, I will get round to posting some soon.

Thanks for sharing
This afternoon I started to look through my past posts that I made from 2004 to look at what has happened through time. I came across this thread and my stomach churned. The middle of 2006 my cat Whiskers had a really horrible time. We took Whiskers to the vet because she wasn't eating. We got the really bad news that her body, particularily her kidneys, were failing. Two weeks later she started to become worse and worse. The one day we saw her in the basement unable to walk. This was bazaar to us because we saw her just five minutes ago. It turned out to be a very serious problem. There was a blood clot in both of her legs. We had to say goodbye that horrible horrible day. It still hits me in the gut thinking about this. I didn't want to post anything at that time because posting it would be impossible, if you know what I mean. She was my best friend growing up. I had her since I was 6. She was someone that you could always feel comfortable with. It was really had seeing her go. The house felt so empty and cold without her. She was my first and only cat. I don't think I could ever get another. She was the perfect companion.

Here are some pictures of her through the years:




She was what I called the "funny fun flubber cat". (She had some meat on her bones. heh)


This is a picture of her as she was starting to get older

aww, i'm sorry, Danno. She was a beautiful cat. I know it is hard losing a friend. I lost my 13 year old dog last october. It is hard when you lost a pet that you are so attached to. :(

I want to nominate the photo of Whiskers laying down on his back for potm
So sorry to hear this.

It is so hard, as you say. I lost my cat Doodle at the end of March, and he was 16/17.

The photo of Flubber Cat is absolutely brilliant! It's great that you have good memories though - the photo of the Christmas garland on the stairs wouldn't have survived 10 minutes with my cat!!

Please don't say you could never have another - it sounds like she had an excellent life with you, and although she could never be replaced (all cats are indeed individuals), there are lots of cats out there that could do with an owner like you!!
Ihave 2 mad cats. They are only about 7-8 months old. Both pure black and sisters.
I found one, with an empty crisp packet over her head, she was after the crumbs! This one can also hear me from the other room chewing a crisp and comes CHARGING out at me!
The other, has had a coat hanger stuck in her mouth! She now hates my Dad as he had to pull it out and it obviously hurt!

They both steal the bubbles from the sink when Im trying to wash up!
I cant go to the bathroom alone as they follow me everywhere! One of them even climbs up and sits on my shoulders! She does that when Im on my exercise bike aswell!
They like to sleep under the bed covers with me, they love chewing plastic wrappers and crawling into carrier bags then just turning round and peering out.
They are very weird! They are also becoming experienced fly catchers... and they eat them too!
i'm so sorry. i can really feel for you. being, err, older. i have had to so say goodbye to two, 21 year old, cats in my time. i have 2, 14 year old's now! my first cat, a ferrel tabby. was my friend, like yours, from the age of six. she died not long after my 27 birthday. I never did recover from her loss. but was helped by the second cat, 12 years younger, a loner ex tom. he would just fall off the back of the chair, for no reason at all. lol i even saw him fall off a small brick wall once :hyper: . my current 2, are 2 brothers, who try never to leave me. even walking with me to the local shops! lol people never know if ill bring two cats, or one Rottweiler :hyper: . i could never live without my friends, or sleep come to that!

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