my corys suck :(


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2005
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ok ok so they dont suck, but theyre boring. in my 10g i had an albino cory and it didnt stop all day everyday. and i put a bronze cory in and he was the same. soo i decided to put some in 35 gallon. i put a three stripe cory in and he comes out the front every now and then but hides a lot. so i decided to get him some friends and couldnt afford more of them so got 2 panda corys. the pandas hide at the back and scurry about in the plants at the back sometimes or on the wood. they never come out the front like the threeline. sometimes they hangout together as a three but the pandas just arent to active. i even have sand so they could dig around in it. maybe i should trade them in for albinos which just seem to be more active. oh and i only put the pandas in two days ago so i know they could still be just settling in the others never had any trouble.
Corys are schooling fish and need to be in groups of at least 3 and preferably 6. The 10 gallon was small ans you could probalby see them even when they weren't very active but the 35 gallon as large for them. They are also mostly nocturnal and active when the lights are out. they need something to hid under (cave or broad leaf plants) when the lights are on. I've never had any of the species you mentioned, only peppered corys. they don't do much when the lights are on but they scurry everywhere as soon as the lights go off. Try getting at least t of them and they will be much more sctive and happy.
I ahve 4 pepperred cories in my 20 gallon
they hide most of the day and are very nervous when i'm around

they stop moving when they see me and hide if i get too close to the tank

my 3 pigmy cories (I need to get more) in my 5 gallon are pretty much the same.
Some catfish are active all the time while some never come out during daylight, they wait for the lights to go out before coming out
My Albino Corys in my 20g are by far the most active fish in there! They are always on the move - except for the brief time that they decide to have a rest on the bottom. They are great fun to watch and I will definately be getting some for my 36g when it is ready :)
hey snowbrumby, not trying to hijack the thread but why don't you take some filter media from your 20g to put in your 36 gallon filter. your tank will be cycled instantly....
Sorry to tell but different cory species don't mix that well. You need to have at least six of same species of corys in that sized tank. Panda corys you could take even more because they are smaller corys than most and need more friends to feel comfortable.

Of course you would wan't to have many different kind of fish/corys, I would too, but that is not fair to the fishes. Sorry about lecture. It's just that I have pandas my self and like them alot so I take it personally. Sorry.
I have to agree with thapsus, panda corys are great. Never kept corys before but now have 4 in my 180ltr tank (had 5 but 1 didnt make it) they are so comical. I love em.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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