My Corys ignore their food!


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Queensbury, New York, USA
I got some corys for my tank as bottom feeders to keep it clean and basically look cool. But they won't eat the tablet food that is supposed to be for them. They ignore the tablets and the other fish come up and try to eat it! Whats wrong with my fish? Is it because the LFS fed them with some other type of food and they aren't used to it?
Hmmm what kind of food exactly do u feed them?

I feed all my fish shrimp pellets as well on and flake food,

in the long run if they dont eat get some tasty blood worms :thumbs:

Right now I have flakes for my guppies and swordtails (and occasionally they get a treat of brine shrimp mushy stuff I got at the lfs). I got this sinking pellet food that says its specifically for bottom feeders like corys.
Well corys are known to be heafty eaters infact mine eat anything eadible!!! :D However yours may be picky. Try in smaller doses don't forget that there nocturnal and see if they'll eat it during the night. :D
Its hard to feed them less when its in big aspirin sized pellets. I have been putting just one in right before I put the lights out. Then a few hours later I go check and its still there and the cory's are swimming everywhere EXCEPT where their food is! Maybe they just hate it! Its a pain to pick all of it up when I do water changes too!
I don't feed my corys at all. They just eat the flakes that fall to the ground. I thought that was the point of having corys. You guys scared me. I went up and put an algae wafer in the tank and the corys were interested for a minute or so then went on checking the gravel for leftover flakes. The guppies did like the algae though. I've had the corys since July they seem OK.
:fish: I'm with Moe. No special food "just" for my corys, they eat all the excess flake food and the crumbs from the algae tabs that my redhooks(messy eaters) love to munch on. Plus, I think they prefer fish poo, anyway. ;)
Oh.... I got special bottom feeder food for my corys because I have three corys and only five other fish besides them so I didn't think there would be enough food for them.
Cories will eat just about anything except fish poo. Mine even eat the veggies that I put in for the others. If you think they're not eating, try frozen bloodworm dropped in after lights out.
Jeez, I swear my fish get more pampering than my gf! First it was just regular fish flakes, then they got some veggies, then brine shrimp and now blood worms! I can't even remember the last time I got shrimp! My gf is going to start getting jealous! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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