My Cory's Are Afraid Of Me V_v


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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It seems I can never see them in action because when i get close enough to see them they either run away into the plants or freeze and don't move. why might this be?

on a side note, I just want to report I sucessfully moved all my peppered cories to the basment 29 gallon tank.
they probobly just see you as a bigger fish and perhaps a threat. when the freeze like that there probobly just going into temperary shock.
temporary shock? is that bad? anythign i can do to lessen their fear of me? I really wanna see them swim about..
I have had some of my cories for over a year now and some of them still do that. Its just natural. They dont like sudden movements, especially if they are wild caught and not tank raised.

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