My Corys Are Acting...hyperactive.


New Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I'm rather new to this hobby, and I've been reading around and researching, and decided that these cory cats would be great to start off with! I just got four new bronze cory cats today to start off my life as a beginning aquarist (yes, I did wait for the tank to cycle and I set up everything accordingly). I was just curious as to if it is normal for cory cats to be swimming all over the place rather than primarily near the bottom, as I expected. Do you suppose they're getting used to their new tank?
Thanks! :unsure:
If you think they are hyper then get some albino corys. They make your look like ible little sods :lol:

The albino are MANIC & all corys are fun to watch. Fishkeepers who have air curtains & corys say they swim into the air at base level, surf the bubbles to the top then drop back down to do it again (& will continue to do that all day).

They won't do what you expect them to do because 'corys do what corys do' when they want to do it
:fun: hehe, I can only imagine what that would be like then...adding albino corys. Thank you so much for answering my question. I'm so glad that's normal behavior, and you're right - they're so much fun to watch! :p
I had a black kuhli loach just like that he was a spaz and accordingly named spaz
Hi blookah :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

You've picked an excellent cory to start. Their species name is C. aeneus. They are often active, especially in the evenings and at night.

Their playfulness is what makes them so appealing to so many tropical fish keepers. They are always friendly and get along well with any peaceful community fish.

I hope to see more of your posts about them. :D

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