My cory spawn success!


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
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Southern IL
Ok,bout a month ago,dunno what got into them,but my big group of corys went mad and spawned before my eyes. I imediately removed them from the glass after I saw momma cory collect sperm and coat the eggs,(with my index finger,yes they hit the air) and put them in my breeder net in the other 20 gallon. I added some methy blue,and every single egg hatched!!! :hyper:

It took them 3-4 days for all to hatch,and I have over 30 of them,fat and happy all nearly an inch long. The first week I fed them egg yolk. Second week egg yolk and powdered bloodworms. Third week they got powdered flakes and powdered bloodworms. Fourth week,they started to chow on shrimp pellets,flakes,algae wafers and the occasional snail that dare ventured in. lol Right now they are 5 weeks,and they are so big I'm astonished. They look like little fat mini corys. :) I thought I did pretty good for not knowing a single thing about spawning corys. :rolleyes: I posted a pic in the pics section. :wub:
Hi HeatherSweetness :)

Congratulations on raising the little cory fry. :thumbs:

Aren't they adorable? :wub: I just love breeding them. :nod: Do you plan to breed more? Once they start, it is usually easy to breed them again. :nod:

Now I must go and look for the picture! :D
What do you do with all the fish you have bread?

I would like to breed my corys eventualy. (awwww so cute n unfluffy)
But what do you do with them when they mature?
And if you keep some and they breed (shudders) with their parents do you get inbread problems?

I'm quite a softy for animals and I would have 2 make sure that all the fish go to a suitable home where they will be loved and well taken care off so the LFS would be out of the question for me.
Hi Jae1525 :)

I'm fortunate to have a good lfs that I trade mine to for store credit. I trust them to take good care of them while they are in their care. Since they know what they are selling, I also trust their sales people to try to sell them them in groups. That's the best anyone can hope for. :nod:

There are also aquarium societies where members buy, sell or trade fish. Why not see if there is one in your area? :unsure:

As to inbreeding, if you were to keep some of their fry and breed them repeatedly among their group, there might eventually be problems. This could be averted by adding a new fish or two every now and then to increase the gene pool.

I'm a softy too, and when I see a cory all alone in a tank, after all the others have been sold, I like to buy them so that they will get to be in a school and not be bought by someone who will keep him by himself. Because of this, I get some variety from time to time and have had no problems at all.
I hope they spawn again soon,it was a great experience! :)

I found a home for a couple of them with a married couple I work with,but the rest I'm going to divide up amoungst my tanks,and the excess I'm going to sell. It's hard parting with them,when you raise them from wee eggs it's like you created them,and they are YOURS. lol Can't keep 30+ corys,tho. That's just toooooooo many! :lol:

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