My Cory Has Got White On His Fin,please Help?


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,have had a problem with my ph going from 7.6 down to 6.6 [lost a shrimp today ] so did a 60 percent water change ,and removed bogwood from tank as thought it was the tannin causing this, re tested ph had gone to 7.6 again ,now hours later retested water ,ph gone to 6.6 again,ammonia 0, nitrite 0 nitrate 0,whats happening and what`s a matter with my cory as now noticed his back fin has got white on ,what can i put in water for it?
Just to add tank is still ina fish in cycle for three months now.

This post has been edited by maisy12345: Today, 03:14 AM
I dont know whats going on with your pH, unless its your tap water? Test that and post them here.

The white on the back fin could be anything, could be ich, could be fin rot or a fungal infection.

Have you introduced anything new to the tank recently?

And how are you still in a fish in cycle after 3 months?
I don`t know why i`m still in a fish in cycle,introduced bogwood a few weeks ago ,but since losing a shrimp [he died wasn`t eaten]have removed it ,have only put in stress coat ,and introduced a new plant which came from a tank in pets at home.?Whats` ich,by the way ,and how do i treat it as corries are sensitive?
Ich is a three stage lifecycle parasite, it is a fatal infection but it can be treated, however cories are very susceptible to chemical burns, so im not sureon how you'd treat it.

Can you post a picture of the actual fish please it will help diagnose the problem.

Are you sure you're still in a cycle?

You said your ammonia was down to 0, how long does it take the filter to process 4ppm?
Thanks for your reply will take a picture ,sorry don`t understand [You said your ammonia was down to 0, how long does it take the filter to process 4ppm?] Whats`4ppm,still new to hobby,so bear with me
4 parts per million of ammonia.

This is how you cycle, you add 4ppm of ammonia to your tank, and then when it is processed by your filter into 0ppm within 12 hours for at least 7 days straight, your tank is cycled.

Have you read any articles on cycling?
Hi ,i`m doing a fish in cycling [through wrong advice given at lfs],didn`t think i had to add anything to water?
No no sorry thats a fishless cycle, that was just an example i was using to demonstrate ppm.

So, how do you know you are still in a cycle?

What have been your last 7 days of results?
results for last 7 days are,most recent first
day 1 ammonia 0,nitrite 0, nitrate 6.6
day 2 ammonia 0 nitrite 0,nitrate 0 ph 6.6[after doing a 60 percent water change and removing bogwood 7.6,but foll. morn. went back to 6.6]
day 3ammonia 0,nitrite 0 ,nitrate 0 ph 6.6
day 4 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 ,nitrate0 ph 6.6
day 5 ammonia 0.25 nitrite 0 ,nitrate 0 ph 7.6
day 6 ammonia 0.50 nitrite 0 ,nitrate 0 ph 7.6
day 7 ammonia 0,25,nitrite 0 ,nitrate 0 ph7.6
i`ve done daily water changes of 60 percent when the ammonia has been any higher than 0,most recently the filter and heater was accidentally turned off over night,i wonder if this hhas had any effect on my corry,that was 2 days ago.
I think i`m still in a cycle as although my ammonia readings gone to 0 ,i thought that my nitrites were supposed to go high then my nitrates ,but they haven`t?
Without a pic its hard to say whether its whitespot - this shows up has tiny specks,it sounds more likely to be finrot,brought on by stress or poor water quality...

Interpet does a finrot med,be careful has not to overdose,good clean water is a must,some meds can knock the stats about a bit,it seems strange you are still cycling 3 months on,and not showing any nitrates.

Have you cleaned your filter at all? if so how??

Ph may be a factor, have you tried testing the ph straight out of the tap,leave it overnight then test see if its dropping,if not then has its not the bogwood affecting it,there may be something else in the tank that is...
Hi Harlequins,I haven`t cleaned my filter at all,was advised not to as i was still cycling ,just tested tap water [7.6],going to leave overnight and retest.I have bought a plant recently from a fish tank at pets at home,don`t know whether that would have effected ph.Also filter and heater was turned off over night several nighta ago,so don`t know whether this has killed the bacteria in filter?
Have moved all my fish to my 110l tank as worried about ph,so have the following 2 bronze corries ,1 albino,4 glowlight tetra,2 pitbull pleco ,2 armano shrimp,all look lost at moment ,but seem a lot happier ,My bronze corries white mark seems to have faded slightly,but not gone altogether.My new filter isn`t cycled ,so going to either put sponge at front of new filter or run two filters ,which do you advise?

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