My Cory catfish is Sick. Please help


New Member
Aug 12, 2021
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Please advise any product to treat my Cory catfish. He is been sick from past 2 weeks. First it looks like a swim bladder problem as he was swimming sideways. Then I did Epsom Salth bath. But it didn't fixed him. Right now the movement are very slow and it is just lying on the sideways. Right now I placed him in qurantine tank of 1 gallon water with 0.5 tsp aquarium salth mixed in it. Please see attached pic's. I also checked my water parameters and everything looks normal except the general hardness is high.

Thank you.


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What are the parameters of your main tank where he has come from. pH and hardness. Thanks
post a video of the fish swimming weirdly

how long has the tank been set up for?
what other fish are in the tank?
what is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH in numbers?
have you added anything to the tank in the 2 weeks before this started?
how long have you had the fish for?
Ph is 7.2. Gh is 300
Nitrate is 40 and nitrite is 0 and ammonia is also 0
Other fish are tetras and some snails

Tanks is setup for almost 4 months. But on 08/01 I moved to different house so I emptied the tank. But I didn't throwed away the tank water I transferred almost 15 gallon in the buckets. My tank is 29 gallon. Please go to below link to see the video. It is not letting me upload here
Also I have noticed his face is more black now compared to last week
I think you will find that your water is to hard for this species. Corys also don't like Nitrates at any level
I would say it's dying and should be euthanised. However, if this has been going on for a week or two, try doing a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week to see if you can get the nitrate down. See if it gets better with 0 nitrates. If it doesn't, then euthanise the fish.
As said earlier the substrate isn't suitable for Corys and certainly not for the wild caught ones like this one.

Yes the gravel is smooth, but they aren't able to find their food in this pebblish substrate / thr tiny foodparts will get out of reach and cause pollution at places they can't reach (ammonia / nitrites / bacteria)

There are many more issues with this sized smooth substrate than with "sharp" smaller sized.
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As said earlier the substrate isn't suitable for Corys and certainly not for the wild caught ones like this one.

Yes the gravel is smooth, but they aren't able to find their food in this pebblish substrate / thr tiny foodparts will get put of reach and cause pollution at places they can't reach (ammonia / nitrites / bacteria)

There are many more issues with this sized smooth substrate than with "sharp" smaller sized.
As said earlier the substrate isn't suitable for Corys and certainly not for the wild caught ones like this one.

Yes the gravel is smooth, but they aren't able to find their food in this pebblish substrate / thr tiny foodparts will get out of reach and cause pollution at places they can't reach (ammonia / nitrites / bacteria)

There are many more issues with this sized smooth substrate than with "sharp" smaller sized.
But I have same 4 Cory's in the same tank and they are perfectly fine.
This is nothing to do with substrate,though adding a strip of sand would help no end with feeding.
You say the others are ok,well what are the other occupants apart from the corys?It could have been wounded by another fish,or it could be a nervous system problem.If it was the gh then I’d assume more than one would be affected,nevertheless the gh being high will stress them.
How long have you had the corys?

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