Please advise any product to treat my Cory catfish. He is been sick from past 2 weeks. First it looks like a swim bladder problem as he was swimming sideways. Then I did Epsom Salth bath. But it didn't fixed him. Right now the movement are very slow and it is just lying on the sideways. Right now I placed him in qurantine tank of 1 gallon water with 0.5 tsp aquarium salth mixed in it. Please see attached pic's. I also checked my water parameters and everything looks normal except the general hardness is high.
Thank you.
Please advise any product to treat my Cory catfish. He is been sick from past 2 weeks. First it looks like a swim bladder problem as he was swimming sideways. Then I did Epsom Salth bath. But it didn't fixed him. Right now the movement are very slow and it is just lying on the sideways. Right now I placed him in qurantine tank of 1 gallon water with 0.5 tsp aquarium salth mixed in it. Please see attached pic's. I also checked my water parameters and everything looks normal except the general hardness is high.
Thank you.