My Cory, 3 Spot Gourami and 10g Plant/Betta tanks


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
Both the Cory and Gourami are 30 gallon aquariums. The Cory tank has been established the longest, since about August and then it had a changeover in Janurary. There are 11 Cory and 2 female Betta. 3 Albino Aeneus, 3 Peppered, 3 Trins and 2 Schwartzi's.

The 3 Spot tank is recently cycled (about 3 weeks ago) and has just the three 3 Spot Gourami at the moment. I have an Opaline, Blue and Gold in there, all bought within the last two weeks.

I also have a 10 gallon plant nursery tank with a Betta male Crowntail halfbred with a Veil tail. That one has been established almost as long as my Cory though I did a changeover on it as well. I only got him yesterday after my previous male died.

The picture quality isn't great, the digital camera was damaged several months ago and we haven't been able to get a new one yet but they still give you a good idea of what they look like. I'll post better pictures when I get a new digital.


That blue streak you see in the Cory tank is one of my female Bettas, the light brownish round spot to the left of the plant in front of the log is my snail, and you can see two of my Albinos and one of my Trins and Schwartzi's in the picture.


My Opaline is most obviously spotted in this picture though the gold blur to the very far left of the tank and behind the plants is my Gold. My Blue is camera shy. You can also see my Aponogenton and Banana plants though the Bananas are still getting themselves sorted out.


This one I just took so it's not the best lighting (it's just shy of midnight here) but you can still see my Lilies, especially the one with the sprout going literally to the top and bending. You can also get a glimpse of my Betta, the greyish blur to the far right above the Lily plant over there.
VERY nice!!! :nod:

Don't you just love them cory's!!?? :wub: :wub:

I'm quite jealous of your cory tank......wish I could have one!! :-(
Nice tanks!! :nod: ;)
Thanks. :D Yes the Cories are great. At first I thought they were kinda ugly but I needed something different for my tank (at the time a 5 gallon with a fantail) and from there it grew. Oddly enough my first Cory has a kink in her spine though it's never bothered her.

The Cory tank took some time to set up. All the decorations were originally meant for other fish. The sunken stump was for whatever I had at the time in my 5gallon before the Fantail and Cory and the sunken stump was for my Albino Channel Cat before he got too big. The only intentional thing for the Cories in there is the terra cotta pot and some of the plants.
Hi Teelie :)

Your tanks are lovely! :thumbs:

I like corys and gouramis too. :nod:

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