My Corner Tank With Black Roman Gravel


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2007
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A while ago quite a few people showed me pics of their tanks that had black gravel as we were thinking of changing to it from the cream coloured sand we had.

Well we changed over a few weeks ago and I'm really pleased with it. The Discus look really stunning against it as do the Cardinals. Plus its loads easier to keep clean too compared to the sand.

Here's a picture of the tank with the black gravel, its not completely finished yet tho.


And here's what it used to look like.



What do you think, does it look better with the black gravel or the sand?

Thanks to everyone who showed me pics of their tanks with black gravel.
black for sure.

Good job. :nod:
Now I want a corner tank. 190L, correct?

Yes my corner tank is 190 litres. Its not a Juwel tank tho, I bought it brand new through an excellent seller on Ebay.

Thanks to everyone who posted a reply on here, I'm glad we decided to go over to black, I think the Marlboro Red Discus look stunning against it.

Plus Im also glad we went with the peoples recommendation of getting black Roman Gravel. It was so easy to work with and even though it says give it a rinse there was nothing coming off it.

Once the tank has been completely done with the cobbles, plants, slate and bogwood, I will take a few more pictures to show you.

Looks great, did you put any sort of plant-substrate under the gravel, or just the Roman Black? I ask because I'm about to change my planted tank over to the Roman Black and am trying to decide what to put under it for the plants.

Thanks :good:
The black looks loads better, im wanting to change mine to black too when i find the time, hate the light coloured stuff :good:

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