My Cories =]


Mar 10, 2010
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Just a few pics of my cores, also demonstrates how dark one of them has become yet he seems to be fine in himself.
Yes I have gravel but will eventually be changing to sand.


He used to be almost as light as the one next to him, but has gradually got darker with age?!



Panda Cave <3


My tank.


Hi ,they`re lovely pictures ,how are you going to change to sand ,as i want to do this but don`t know the best way ?
Changing substrate is usually a strip-down job.

So much crud gets trapped in the gravel it's not really a good idea to do it fish-in. If your tank is quite small, you might be able to do it by syphoning the old gravel (along with it's associated crud) out with a piece of wide bore pipe, like garden hose, but I'd catch the fish out and do it. They'll be fine in a bucket for a few hours (put the heater in there and cover with a towel).

It's well, well worth doing if you have cories; the difference in them once they've got some sand to dig is unbelievable!

And xamy; I'm not sure what's going on with your little chap; dark colouration like that is normally a sign of stress or illness.
Thanks Fluttermoth ,my tank is 110l,with about 1/2 inch gravel ,was going to leave fish in whilst changing half at a time but won`t now
I've heard/seen corys go darker with age,but yours is almost long has it been like that?
He's gone that dark probably for the past month? He's eating fine and swimming about as normal, so I really don't understand it? He is my biggest cory and one the first I bought. He was always a little darker than the other one but not by that much.
I bought those two (leucomelas) but couldn't get hold of anymore to bring the number up as I wanted to get 4 of them. So in the end I got 2 trills and 3 pandas to accompany them, they all get on fine and shoal together happily. At first I was worried that he became a little lethargic as he seemed to just sit on the gravel alot, however as I've been keeping a close eye on him lately he seems to be fine, swimming around both on the substrate aswell as the middle section of the tank and rummaging excitedly for food once it's been put into the tank.
He is probably my most chilled out cory though, the other one of his species does tend to have it's crazy moments of going up and down then glass etc but he doesn't seem to anymore? I'm saying it's a he like I know but I don't actually lol, could be a he or a she! I can't see any evidence of illness in terms of appearance other than him changing colour!
Amy xx
Thank you =] sadly the darker cory ended up passing away. May get another trilli so I have 3 of them and 3 pandas and my other Leucomela.
since i've been practicing to identify is they're boy or girl on the first pic, the two corys by the glass(from left to right) they're male and female right>
Thanks, I wish I could get a decent photo of my trilli's to see if I have a male and female. I'm pretty sure I do as one looks longer and fatter than the other!
I wish they would breed =[ xx
Whats your temperature? do you feed bloodworm etc?

Cold water changes and a good balanced diet may trigger them off :good: tri's do hide their eggs well,so look under plants etc if you see them active,usually chasing each other & quivering going by mine :rolleyes: :lol:
My tank temp is 24 and I feed them bloodworm occasionally, catfish pellets and algae wafers.
The are CONSTANTLY chasing each other and quivering!! They never seem to stop! I have introduced another today so bring up the number to 3 and that one has joined in too! I'm pretty sure the one Ive just bought is female so I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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