New Member
hi everyone
i have set up a tropical tank that has been up for about 5 months now
anyway i have lost about 3 albino cories and 4 pandas
i still have 2 albino cories that seem 2 be perfectly fine
the tank is a dual lido 120
in my tank is:
2 marble angels
6 rummy nose tetras
5 black widow tetras
5 harlequins
3 swordtails
1 opaline gourami
1 ruby tailed shark
2 albino corydoas
2 bristlnose suckers
i dont plan 2 get anymore
thanks for any help
i have set up a tropical tank that has been up for about 5 months now
anyway i have lost about 3 albino cories and 4 pandas
i still have 2 albino cories that seem 2 be perfectly fine
the tank is a dual lido 120
in my tank is:
2 marble angels
6 rummy nose tetras
5 black widow tetras
5 harlequins
3 swordtails
1 opaline gourami
1 ruby tailed shark
2 albino corydoas
2 bristlnose suckers
i dont plan 2 get anymore
thanks for any help