My Cories Keep Dying


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
Wickford, Essex
hi everyone :good:
i have set up a tropical tank that has been up for about 5 months now
anyway i have lost about 3 albino cories and 4 pandas
i still have 2 albino cories that seem 2 be perfectly fine
the tank is a dual lido 120
in my tank is:
2 marble angels
6 rummy nose tetras
5 black widow tetras
5 harlequins
3 swordtails
1 opaline gourami
1 ruby tailed shark
2 albino corydoas
2 bristlnose suckers

i dont plan 2 get anymore
thanks for any help :good:
i kept losin my pandas but mnie lost their bottom fins and barbels when they died :crazy:
my peppers seem fine though :good:
What is your tank water like, ie: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH & temperature?
How often and how much water do you change?
Do you dechlorinate the new water before it goes into the tank?
What do the fish look like when they die, or just before they die?
hi again
ill give you the ph and all that tomorow but i can tell you the rest :good:
the temparature is around 24 and 26 B-)
i change the water every week and take out 20% of the water :)
i do dechlorinate the new water :nod:
when my pandas died they were on the floor on their sides but the albinos floated to the top :crazy:
my last albino was caught in a plant though :(
do you do a gravel clean when you do a water change?
did the dead fish have any red patches on them, or were their fins split?
i do clean the gravel when i change the water :good:
not sure what you meant about fin splits but they didn't have red patches :/
red patches can indicate poor water quality or a bacterial infection.

split fins = fins that are not normal and have been damaged, ie: split or frayed.
Does some food drop down into the gravel? Because corys won't eat from the surface like most fishies, they need to suck food off the substrate.
they both eat the catfish pellets by i think my angels have got a taste for them too :good:

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