My Coral Frags

Alex Brown

Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Gosport, Hampshire.
Recently a few of my soft corals have gotten too large for my liking so I have been experimenting fragging them with some success! My Pussey coral was getting stung by my new Rose BTA, so I lopped of a couple of arms and have moved them to my fragging area. The first piece I attempted to cocktail stick it to the rock, it has not yet bonded with the live rock, but has doubled in size and the coral looks very heathy for 2 weeks now. A few days ago I cut of another piece from the mother coral, and sewed it to some live rock. It has not yet settled down, but some of the pollups have started to come out. I have found this is a much easier and 100% secure way of attaching such coral to live rock.


I also pruned my toadstool mushroom. I cut two 5p sized pieces off and placed them in a pot of live rock rubble in a low-mid flow area. These have now attached and the pollups are fully extended just like the mother coral. As you can see in the picture, I also fragged my pulsing xiena. It has also now attached to the rubble and pulses all day long. All mother corals have healed up and show no signs of damage.


Today, I found a small blue mushroom floating about the LFS tank which I bought for £2, bargin! It is now glued onto a small piece of live rock and settling in.


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