My Community


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
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My community 60g is quite hilarious! (I've never had a community tank before, so even the smallest things amuse me). Every fish has their little hiding place, every fish has a pretty funny personality, except the damn elephant nose fish who hovers by the heater 24/7.

My 2" Dat pretty much bullies everything around. He loves chasing the African knife and Featherfin Knife. However he seems intrigued by the fire eel. He just follows it around everywhere (never trying to attack it).

The fire eel doesn't seem to be scared of anything, just goes wherever it pleases, always exploring.

My African Knife chases around my Featherfin Knife (I hear the featherfins get aggressive as they get older, he's about 3-4" now, when should I be concerned?) But the African is scared of just about every other fish.

My Goby (don't know what kind) is not scared of anything. He is the most hilarious fish. Whenver its feeding time, he just plops himself in the middle of everyone and starts gobbling down everything. The dat tries to swim fast at him to scare him, but the Goby does not even flinch. He's like a grazing cow or something haha.

How long will these fish last together in this 60g before I need to upgrade? Also will I eventually need to seperate any of them in the future? Nobody has gotten hurt yet, and it's funny watching the order of things in the new tank!
those knifes will get pretty big. you should upgrade as soon as the knifes get about 6 inches long.

i know what you mean by community fish being really fun to watch. i watch my silver dollars all the time. it cant be boring watching their funny antics! :D
Do you know what the growth rate on the knife fish are? I know they grow slower than clown knife fish. But will the african knife fish and featherfin knife grow at an equal rate?
it depends how much you feed them, how big the aquarium is, the water parameters, everything. but the average fish will be full grown in 1 year. not sure about the specific growth rate of the knifes

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