My Colwn Loach.


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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Is it normal for clown loaches to just sometimes lie on their sides and just not move ?
Each time i see him do it i get woried.
well i dont know about clown loaches, but my female krib sometimes picks under a rock or between from plants/my bubble tree and lies there at "night time"

but if he is on his side? that doesnt sound too right..
My clown loaches usually squeeze themselves into some crevice in a peice of bogwood or somthing in the tank and rest in it for ages, i've heard this is pretty normal. I dunno about clown loaches "sleeping" out in the open though as mine don't do that, although i vaguely remember reading some threads a long time back about people reporting similar experiences with their clown loaches and apparently its relatively normal.
You should get your clown loach some companions though, as they are very sociable fish and enjoy the company of their own kind, and make sure that your tank is large enough to house clown loaches in the long term though and that its habitat is good too etc.
I will be getting maybe 2-3 more when i upgrade my tank from 180litres to 260litres or more at christmas, and also i will get some more bala sharks because i only have one of then too.
I will see how the loach is when i get my new tank and some mates for him.
hello, I have 3 Clowns and mine sleep on their sides its normal for a clown first time i saw them do that i thought they were dead but no just resting or sleeping lol :nod:
Clown loaches have earned the name "clown" as a result of what we consider to be strange behaviour. What size is your tank? Clowns are best in groups of six or more and can and do grow to 12" in an aquarium.
Its a 180 litre tank,it is 91 cm across.
When i get my new tank at christmas i will get some more clowns.
that is prefectly normal clown loach behaviour. my four large ones do it all the time, even resting upside down.

You tank is no where near big enough for clownloachs or bala sharks,

Balas grow to about 12-15" the same as clown loachs, a minimum of 100gallon would be best for them :good:

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