My Co2 Setup..


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
North London
Hi all,

Here is my CO2 Setup, I was amazed that it works quite well... Considering I had my doubts...
This is the yeast bottle, it's a 5L bottle, I used the water that came with the bottle,
this is my formula,
4 Teaspoon Yeast,
500g Sugar
1.5 Teaspoon Baking Soda
4L water
I added the yeast, sugar and baking soda into a pot on the stove and while it started to warm I dissolved everthing and poured into the bottle. Warm not hot...
I leave the bottle near the heater so when the heater switches on in the morning, it warms up the bottle, warm only not hot. So hopefully it helps...

This is the bubble counter and diffuser, but I think the diffuser is broken as the bubbles don't go up and around the circular thing, they are escaping at the bottom but still inside the glass, but at least they are being diffused.... The bubbles are going at a rate of 2 per second. I have a 240L tank and this is my 1st try... and this is day 1... I'm excited...

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