My Clown Loach


New Member
Jan 5, 2006
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I have a clown loach in a planted, 29 gallon with 8 white cloud minnows and I am aware that it's not recomended for clowns to be in a tank this size, but I've had the guy for a few years, he's survived moves and such and I was unawre that he would require other clowns and a larger tank at the time. He is such a timmid fish. He hides in his log all day and only comes out to hurridly eat and then back in the log to hide. Physically he looks very plump and healthy about 3.5 inches long. I was wondering besides trying to find him a new home if maybe he'd be happier with other, smaller loaches, or one more clowns would cheer him up or a couple of cories? I've added other small clown with him before and they never seem to make it. They all kind of wasted (got skinny) away. Not sure what to do here?
I have a clown loach in a planted, 29 gallon with 8 white cloud minnows and I am aware that it's not recomended for clowns to be in a tank this size, but I've had the guy for a few years, he's survived moves and such and I was unawre that he would require other clowns and a larger tank at the time. He is such a timmid fish. He hides in his log all day and only comes out to hurridly eat and then back in the log to hide. Physically he looks very plump and healthy about 3.5 inches long. I was wondering besides trying to find him a new home if maybe he'd be happier with other, smaller loaches, or one more clowns would cheer him up or a couple of cories? I've added other small clown with him before and they never seem to make it. They all kind of wasted (got skinny) away. Not sure what to do here?

he needs a friend anyway they are a shoaling fish best for a minimum of 4 fish (even though iv 2 myself). other fish probably died in ur tank due to overstocking as iv read on a few other peoples posts tat this happened in 2 small of a tank
Well the biggest reason he doesn't come out much is because he doesn't have other clown loaches with him. Obviously he should be in a larger tank, but that being said they should be in at least a group of four. I would suggest getting loaches of the same size as well, or he'll just eat all the food, which is probably why your others died. It's hard to say since I don't fully know the situation.

God Bless,
Well the biggest reason he doesn't come out much is because he doesn't have other clown loaches with him. Obviously he should be in a larger tank, but that being said they should be in at least a group of four. I would suggest getting loaches of the same size as well, or he'll just eat all the food, which is probably why your others died. It's hard to say since I don't fully know the situation.
God Bless,

This seems to be the problem for sure. I got the biggest clown loach I could find at my local pet stores (2")and he's still half the size of my "big" loach. I waited for a few hours for him to become less nervous and I put a few shrimp pellets in. He started nibbling happily. Then in cruises the big one and kinda shoulder butts the little one out of the way picked up the pellet in his mouth and took it back into to his log to eat it. Tried this a few more times with little success. So what I had to do was stay at the tank while the little one eats cause the big one doesn't like to come out if he knows you are there. Hopefully after time they will learn to get along. I think I'm going to have to get another log for the little one because the big loach seems he doesn't like to share.
I have the same situation. I bought 1 Clown Loach and was told that he would shoal with the 2 Yoyo Loaches which I bought at the same time. I know they should be in groups but mine seems very happy and well. He has bright colours and has grown a lot since I bought him. I thought about getting him some more Clown Loaches to shoal with when I get a bigger tank (have a 65 gallon 4ft with a 15" Common Pleco so I think more large loaches would cause territorial issues). I did wonder how new loaches would get on with the one I have. Your post has confirmed what I thought might happen! My Clown Loach is about 7". :)
I have the same situation. I bought 1 Clown Loach and was told that he would shoal with the 2 Yoyo Loaches which I bought at the same time. I know they should be in groups but mine seems very happy and well. He has bright colours and has grown a lot since I bought him. I thought about getting him some more Clown Loaches to shoal with when I get a bigger tank (have a 65 gallon 4ft with a 15" Common Pleco so I think more large loaches would cause territorial issues). I did wonder how new loaches would get on with the one I have. Your post has confirmed what I thought might happen! My Clown Loach is about 7". :)

Its been a couple of days and the little loach seems to be doing ok. The big guy's a glutton but I think the little one manages to gobble up enough scraps to keep him full. They are starting to swim around a bit more now. It's kinda funny to watch, the little one follows the big one around like an annoying liitle brother heh. Still wont sleep in the same log though. Bought another log but there are other small hiding places he seems to like better.

Here's a nice link with some great clown loach photos - scroll down

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