I have a clown loach in a planted, 29 gallon with 8 white cloud minnows and I am aware that it's not recomended for clowns to be in a tank this size, but I've had the guy for a few years, he's survived moves and such and I was unawre that he would require other clowns and a larger tank at the time. He is such a timmid fish. He hides in his log all day and only comes out to hurridly eat and then back in the log to hide. Physically he looks very plump and healthy about 3.5 inches long. I was wondering besides trying to find him a new home if maybe he'd be happier with other, smaller loaches, or one more clowns would cheer him up or a couple of cories? I've added other small clown with him before and they never seem to make it. They all kind of wasted (got skinny) away. Not sure what to do here?