My Clown Loach Is Pregnent Pics


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Jun 16, 2009
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Apart from the fact clown loaches don't get pregnant, they lay eggs, your loach is far too small to even be sexually mature, let alone filled with eggs.

It's much more likely to be unwell. Since they are partly herbivorous, it's important clowns get regular (at least weekly) meals based entirely on fresh vegetables: tinned/cooked peas, courgette, spinach, and even soft, non-acidic fruits. The meaty part of their diet should be primarily "shelly" things like snails and krill so that there is plenty of indigestible material in their diet. If you neglect these aspects of their care, and just feed them catfish pellets, bloating becomes a serious problem.

What's just as likely is something causing dropsy. Dropsy isn't a disease, but a symptom, and is typically caused by chronically poor water conditions. Review how you're keeping your clown loaches. Do also make sure you aren't using copper- or formalin-based medications since these cause loaches harm, at least in some instances.

Cheers, Neale
Yea His Moved I Read They Have to be 9 inches For Sexually Mature And Its Extremely Rare
It's just eaten to much. And the fact their not livebearers too.

I got viable milt from 5" male fish, so they can be breed smaller, but it's not easy work.

One other thing, what this you posted on photobucket?

My Pregnent Clown Loach Rarest Breed Rainbow Shark Cross Clown Loach Have Pics Of The Babys will Be Coming Soon
I will move this to over to the Cyprinids section. :)
I thought clown loaches don't breed in captivity?
Actually as far as I know they have been bred at least once in captivity, possibly twice but I seem to remember that one of them wasn't proven.
Your clown loach is NOT pregnant. your tank needs to be at least 350 gallons, You want to cross breed, which correct me if I'm wrong, is frowned upon.
There has only been 1 instance of them breeding in captivity.

It is not pregnant, it is fat.

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