My Clown Feedings Its Anemone

Hah, great shots, Clarkii's especially love to do that :good:
how often do u guys feel i should be feeding.. maybe thats an issue in my anemone's color... i feed about every 2 days
Thats about right. If your anemone's color doesn't turn white then its healthy, if the white starts increasing, its not happy at all. Keep feeding it every couple days and let your clowns do their thing too :)
I know you guys love seeing videos... well at least I do of other tanks! so I made another short one... sorta pointless but if your like me and enjoy seeing videos of over people's tanks... this is a video of my two clowns they each have there own anemone now, however they still both sleep in the sameone! no two beds in this couple lol
Link Video
Great video, thanks. Clarkiis are totally the best hosters :D
Ah brilliant! I love my clarkii too wish i had 2 now... but still i think they are the best clowns and i love how they pay their rent as it were :p
I never expected so much activity from them; they have greatly enhanced my enjoyment of this new hobby.
Yer i had a pair of perculas they always hid or just stayed in same corner. Where as my clown "gupter" he is always out and is the most bold out of all my fish.

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