My Cleaner Shrimp Is Pregnant


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Phoenix, AZ
I just noticed today that my cleaner shrimp is pregnant. There are a whole bunch of green eggs in her stomach. I moved the two shrimp to my 55 gal that I am setting up as a reef tank. (luckly it's finish cycling) Reason being is because I know my other fish will eat the babies or the eggs. There is nothing in my 55 except live rock and sand. My question is does anyone have any experience with cleaner shrimp breading? Will they eat their own babies? Should I seperate the male and female and put the female in the 55 gal by herself???
From all the research that I've been doing, people are saying that it's not worth the time and money trying to raise them. They end up getting dying in your filters or eaten by other fish. :(
From all the research that I've been doing, people are saying that it's not worth the time and money trying to raise them. They end up getting dying in your filters or eaten by other fish. :(

Sadly thats correct, it is EXCEPTIONALLY difficult to raise baby cleaner shrimp :(
Lysmata can actually be reared quite easily, but you have to get a special setup and foods for them. There is a certain method to do it which is actually profitable, as 50+ young will survive if you do it right.

It's very hard to raise the shrimp fry.

1. One main reason it's very difficult is the long larval period.
2. Parent Shrimp eat their own babies.
3. It takes a long time of about 4 months to get them to settle and it only takes 1 day to screw it up with improper feeding habits, water changes, or whatever.

Here's a link for you
I read about it in a magazine, and it was talking about Sexy Shrimp, which are even smaller than Cleaner Shrimp. As I said before, it takes a seperate special setup to raise them, but once you get them going they are easy to raise.

Am i missing something??

I thought "cedyced" wanted to know about cleaner shrimps???

You can't compare a sexy shrimp to a cleaner shrimp. That's like comparing a Dwarf angel fish to a Angel fish or a Fairy wrasse to a Red coris wrasse.
Whos the father? because if its one of rhysiboys fish the offspring will have 10 heads and 2 feet, and 1 eye :D

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