My choice of fish


New Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Well, while I cycle my tank, I've been deciding what fish I'd like to keep. My tank holds about 90 liters (20 odd gallon I think).

Here's what I have picked so far, your feedback is appreciated.

1 bosemani rainbowfish
1 pearl gouramis
3 Dwarf Gourami
3 Lemon Tetras

Now, does that list seem like too few or too many for the size of the tank?
That sounds good, but I agree with endilliteracy. Add a few more tetras because they like to be in groups of six. :)
Sound lovely, maybe as others have suggested bigger groups in tetra's, as that's how they like it.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll now go for 6 lemon tetra's.

I cama cross a some pic's of 'discus' fish which I really liked. I think the Blue Diamond disucs is one of favourite. How would this fish go with the others I mentioned?

Is it starting to get too crowded now?
Discus get to big for your size tank. On top of this discus need really good water quality of they will die wiht would be hard in a small aquarium.
FrAnK3333 said:
Discus get to big for your size tank. On top of this discus need really good water quality of they will die wiht would be hard in a small aquarium.
Damn, that's a shame . Oh well :(
Also some varieties can be a bit costly, I heard! That sounds a great selection for the beginners, as I have all of those fish amongst others and no problems have arisen for me. Nice choice.

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