Here's a photo of one of my Hens. Her name's Poultry and she's a Buff Orpington.
In the summer the kitchen door is often open when it gets dark to let some air in. There's been quite a few occassions where I've gone in to get a drink and noticed Poultry roosting on the work top
I'm just sorting out the garden because the bottom is going to be fenced off for them. I'm getting a new coop for them and then I'm gonna get some more hens. I cant wait
I wanna get some more Cochins like Wendell, they rock

In the summer the kitchen door is often open when it gets dark to let some air in. There's been quite a few occassions where I've gone in to get a drink and noticed Poultry roosting on the work top
I'm just sorting out the garden because the bottom is going to be fenced off for them. I'm getting a new coop for them and then I'm gonna get some more hens. I cant wait

I wanna get some more Cochins like Wendell, they rock
