My Cherry Army Gone!?


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
My 20gal high planted tank houses 150-200 cherry shrimp. I did a water change 10 days ago they were there. I just got done doing another water change, I found 4 dead one in its death rows and less than 50 are still alive. Well over 100 are uncounted for! I don't know what happend, below are my water stats. The only difference I can see it ph and KH are different, cuz I turned up my CO2 last week to help fight some algae. Normally ph=6.8 and kh=8.


Any ideas what might of happened?
Are you sure they are not hiding underneath bogwood and decors? My shrimps sometimes have mood swings and hide inside the bogwood cave for a long time. Other times, they are everywhere. Were the dead ones big females? I find they are more vulnerable than the males.
Dont really know unless the Co2 was too much but then you would see them stressed and trying to leave the tank, swimming at the top etc. I guess if some died the ammonia spike could kill others making ammonia worse again and starting a vicious cycle. As iSnail said they are good at hiding. I would change more water and check for bodies. If you have another tank then put a few in that even a planted big tub outside would be fine for enough to restart a colony if something has gotten into the tank that is killing them.
If 100 shrimp died and you didn't see them you would have a huge ammonia spike already.

I think they're just hiding really well.
I'm so angry at myself now :grr:. I've been so busy with collage registration and high school graduation, I neglected to check on the tank. CO2 was through the roof and I'm luck I didn't lose my fish as well. It was 3 times what it should of been. I checked under things and around things and took in consideration the shrimp I didn't see...... 50 is a high estimate :-( . My last count in May was 160 shrimp caught when I had to tear the tank down. I'm not surprised I didn't get an ammonia reading. The fish and snails probably made quick work of the dead ones and the tank was choked with plants. I did a large water change and turned the co2 back down. The $20 I paid for 20 shrimp 2 years ago kept me going for a long time, I'll have too buy some more and start over again. I'm still gutted..... killed over 100 shrimp :-( :-( ........ I'm going to be hating myself for a week at least. Also the fact that I turned the co2 up to help control the algae and ended up killing the majority of my algae eating shrimp makes me more upset!
If you aint seen the stinking (very important this, as the poor so and so could just be moulting. lol) corpse it aint dead is my new motto these days. I don't even know how many cherry shrimp I have in my big planted tank, all I know is that I find a few baby ones in my filter whenever I clean it out, and that I regularly see 2 young uns, a male and a very large red female most of the time.

Shrimp are masters of the art of hiding!

CO2 was 109-119ppm! It was suppose to be 40 at the most. When I was cleaning the tank I only had to fish one out of the bucket, normlly its around ten. Only found 1 baby in the filter instead of a couple dozen like I normally do. Counted 6 just looking into the tank this use to be around 30. The ones I found dead where definetly dead shrimp, they still had their coloration and one was twitching :-( :-( .

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