My Chat Isn't Working?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
When I click the chat button it says "Oops Something's Wrong." Why?
Try opening it in a different internet browser, if not, wait until later. Mines working fine - seems like a bad net connection.
I think you need 60 posts first before you can use it
levahe said:
I think you need 60 posts first before you can use it
4 more posts and you can join us :D quick (but dont spam) :p
Is that a new rule? I could have sworn I got into chat the same day I joined?
Good quality posts...;)

Yes, new rule...

No chat, signature changes, or posting in classifieds. It's to combat spam and trolls.
That's weird, I could have sworn I got in the first day too! lol maybe I slipped in right before the chat change, or maybe I'm completely mistaken! Either way, I've enjoyed the chat feature quite a bit and have made some new friends. :) You all are AWESOME!!
your all welcome and as a chat mod, i would haft to say the new rule dose help :)
Those who signed up before the change can still access it unless they do something wrong then they are moved to the restricted group. From the change date on all new sign ups will be restricted. You made it under the wire.
Skies said:
That's weird, I could have sworn I got in the first day too! lol maybe I slipped in right before the chat change, or maybe I'm completely mistaken! Either way, I've enjoyed the chat feature quite a bit and have made some new friends.
You all are AWESOME!!

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