My Cbs Finally Struck


Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona-US
:( I woke up this morning and only saw 2 of my reef chromis swimmin around, the little one that sleeps on the bottom under lots of little LR pebbles was nowhere to be seen. I looked around where he sleeps and saw a little movement. he finally came out and too my surprise his whole tail was missing :sick: . he finally started swimming about, and my niger started tryin to pick on him. unfortunately i had to go to work, so i fed the fishies before i left to try and keep some of the heat off of him. Since I got home i can't find him anywhere, guess he got got while i wuz gone :/ .

If this happens again, do you suggest i take him out right there and give him no hope of survival by flushing him down the freshwater toilet (which would probably be a horribly painful death), or should I hope he gets a chance and leave him in there and hope he doesn't crash the tank if he dies?
Sorry to hear that! :( . A similar thing happened to my Orchid Dottyback, but that was due to decor slippage. I don't think that in a tank your size that you will have problems with a water crash due to one dead chromis. Within 24 hours all I found of my Dottyback, was a fleshless skull :crazy: B). Your clean up crew should take care of it if you don't find it. If you do obviously remove it. Sorry to talk as if it was dead, but as soon as your hermits smelt flesh it probably will be. :/
Sorry about your loss. Im getting rid of my CBS tommorrow. (Sunday) because i dont want him reavching for my docile fish. :no:
Many people try to avoid cautionary notes and go for the animal they want because they are attractive, interesting or colorful or just easy to keep. Although many people have anecdotal success with these creatures, the preponderance of posts/experiences from long time reefers are negative ( at least in smaller tanks). Some of the animals that people like to add but cause headaches are:

1) Coral banded shrimp (CBS)
2) Sally lightfoots
3) Sea Stars
4) Cucumbers, sea apples, nudibranchs
5) Hawkfish
6) Yellow colony polyps, xenia, large stinging corals such as galaxea
7) Anemones in small tanks or under inadequate lighting
8) Arrow crabs
9) Certain Damselfish and dottybacks

To name a few........SH
yeah, SH the CBS was the 2nd or 3rd "real" thing to go into my tank (not including LR and cleaning crews and such). I didn't do research cuz my LFS was selling it as a cleaner type shrimp. Only later after I had had it for a while did I actually do some research and found out it was predatory. :*)


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