I woke up this morning and only saw 2 of my reef chromis swimmin around, the little one that sleeps on the bottom under lots of little LR pebbles was nowhere to be seen. I looked around where he sleeps and saw a little movement. he finally came out and too my surprise his whole tail was missing . he finally started swimming about, and my niger started tryin to pick on him. unfortunately i had to go to work, so i fed the fishies before i left to try and keep some of the heat off of him. Since I got home i can't find him anywhere, guess he got got while i wuz gone .
If this happens again, do you suggest i take him out right there and give him no hope of survival by flushing him down the freshwater toilet (which would probably be a horribly painful death), or should I hope he gets a chance and leave him in there and hope he doesn't crash the tank if he dies?
If this happens again, do you suggest i take him out right there and give him no hope of survival by flushing him down the freshwater toilet (which would probably be a horribly painful death), or should I hope he gets a chance and leave him in there and hope he doesn't crash the tank if he dies?