My Cayman 60, 75 Liters


New Member
May 20, 2009
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lightning: 2x15W aqua glo
filter : Eheim 2010 500 l/h
fish: 10 rodostomus, 10 neon fish, 3 ramirezi, 9 corydoras, 2 ancistrus and 1 botia.
plants: Flora:3 tipes of cryptocorina, Hygrophila limun, Lysimachia nummularia, Hygrophila compact, Ludwigia, Aponogeton boivinianus, Limnophila aromatica.
I use 2ml of Easy Crbo, 1 ml Pro Fito each day
12 hours of ligt

Doesn't disappoint me Cayman is a brand of aquarium, Caiman is a genus of Alligatoridae :D.

Love the tank, plants and fish.

Really, looks excellent! The crypts in pic #5 are my favourite, what species are they?
Awesome, I have 'green' in my tank, but I like the stripes on yours. May have to get some :shifty:.
I love cryptas most of all plants, easy to care for and fast reproduction along the aquarium :D

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