My Cats


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2008
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Just thought I'd post a pic or two of my terrible twosome Milo and Max (who are fighting in the clothes bin atm :rolleyes: ). Milo's the black & white one, Max is the bengal




They're quite nice to each other most of the time though :D

They're both still quite young (Milo'll be 2 this year and Max is just over 1), they're quite big these days (Max was just at the vets and has doubled his weight to just over 4.5kg :) and Milo is well over 5kg these days, although I think he's pretty much full grown now)
Thanks for the comments, Max is v nice looking and has a very nice temperament (we got him from a v nice small breeder). We have to bit a bit careful where we leave things as he's pretty intelligent and can work out where his treatbox/fishfood/anything he wants to eat is, get to it and open it whereas it's like magic to Milo :lol:
:drool: Stunners, both of them.

Gorgeous pics :good: , they look very well looked after. Love the pic of Max sprawled out on legs and the pic of them both sleeping. Very cute.

Bengals tend to know how to get exactly what they want !! our snow boy is the naughtiest cat we have ever had, plus its baby bunny season now so spent a while chasing one around and releasing it - he doesnt always kill them argh !!!

Max is really a lovely boy, he looks so leopardy stretched out !!
Bengals tend to know how to get exactly what they want !! our snow boy is the naughtiest cat we have ever had, plus its baby bunny season now so spent a while chasing one around and releasing it - he doesnt always kill them argh !!!

Max is really a lovely boy, he looks so leopardy stretched out !!
I know the feeling, although thankfully they've both now learnt not to bring kills home as they just get taken off them :sick: they've got plenty to hunt as our house backs onto a golf course

Max has some funny wild cat behaviours, laziness being one of them :lol: he also seems to like his water in a glass :blink: They're both a bit odd, Milo likes to play fetch with a aluminium foil ball and he actually does it properly B-)
Milo likes to play fetch with a aluminium foil ball and he actually does it properly B-)

They are both gorgeous! :wub:

My Bengal plays fetch (exactly like a dog) non-stop until I get fed up of throwing a small ball of wire. She's besotted with it and can't run back to me quick enough. And the quivers in anticipation of it being thrown down the stairs again!
They're quirky creatures hey.

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