Just thought I'd post a pic or two of my terrible twosome Milo and Max (who are fighting in the clothes bin atm
). Milo's the black & white one, Max is the bengal
They're quite nice to each other most of the time though
They're both still quite young (Milo'll be 2 this year and Max is just over 1), they're quite big these days (Max was just at the vets and has doubled his weight to just over 4.5kg
and Milo is well over 5kg these days, although I think he's pretty much full grown now)

They're quite nice to each other most of the time though

They're both still quite young (Milo'll be 2 this year and Max is just over 1), they're quite big these days (Max was just at the vets and has doubled his weight to just over 4.5kg