My Catfish is not well


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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Two of my guppies look to have fungus around the mouth (no problem on this I can sort that out)

One of my large cat fish is loosing his tail, and he has a large white spot on his back. (looks like the skin maybe coming off).

I am thinking he's got the same fungus problem as the guppies as he shares a tank with them.

I took both him and the guppies and put them in a fungus medicated tank. He didn't like it so I have had to put him back in the original tank.

He acts like he's OK.

Any advise?

awwww sorry to hear about the ilnesses and im sorry i cant help but just wanted to wish the best of luck and a speedy recovery to your fish... get well soon

Thanks for the replies.

I read the URL's, and that does appear to be my problem.

The catfish doesn't have scales, so I cannot give it a salt bath right?. Can I put some melolean (Spelling) blue directly on the white spot?.


Hi jbatt :)

Your fish do not have a fungus, they have a bacterial infection. I suggest that you treat them with either Waterlife's Myxazin or Interpet's Anti-Finrot and Fungus medicine. It would also help if you slowly lower the temperature in your treatment tank to about 24 degrees C. (75-76 degrees F.) and be sure to have an airstone or filtration running in the quarantine tank to add oxygen to the water.

The most important thing you should do is clean up your main tank to remove whatever problem caused your fish to become sick. These things can include overcrowding, the process of cycling a tank, aggressive tankmates, high nitrites, uneaten food, temperature fluctuations, infrequent and/or inadequate water changes, etc. Anything that can stress your fish and lower its immune system can result in their illness.

Above all, do lots of water changes both in the quarantine tank and in your main tank.

Good luck. I hope your fish recover quickly. :thumbs:
The catfish doesn't have scales, so I cannot give it a salt bath right?. Can I put some melolean (Spelling) blue directly on the white spot?.

Hi jbatt :)

If you mean methylene blue, don't use it. :no: It will not help.

But you can give brief salt baths to corys and it does help sometimes. I use it as a last resort because it is hard on them. This is how I do it:

Dissolve one TBS. of aquarium salt in 1 to 2 cups of aquarium water. Make sure it is all dissolved. Put in the cory or other fish for as long as it can stand it. This might just be for a few minutes or up to 20 minutes. Watch him carefully, and if it rolls over (feints) return him to the tank immediately and he will recover. This sounds much worse than it is. I repeat this process up to 6 times a day until improvement is apparent.

This salt bath will help kill some of the bacteria that is attacking your cory and enable the medicine in the tank to better do its job.

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