My Cat Fish Needs A Diet


Aug 2, 2005
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uk Cumbria
At christmass i inherted a cat fish with a tank that i got for a christmass preasant and it has a big fat belly and i was wondering how would i get it to lose wieght as it were to be


sos for poor quality pics best i can do with ma phone
any ideas how to get if smaller again
Maybe its a female with eggs? What are you feeding them each day and how much?
im feeding ma tank a pinch of flake food 3 times a day or 2 times and 3 or 4 plec pellets things, if it was eggs she had them for years
:shifty: i am very intrested in the same topic cuz i had 2 yellow fin ell tails i no its not the same typ of fish but they look a bit like each other well there difrent colors and stuff but they have the same body shape by looking at them one of my fish soon after i got them got realy fat and the other stayed a normal slim looking as it should the fat one stayed fat as long as i had it wich was about 3 years after that it died oh i got them same time same age as each other the fat belly looked just like that cat fishs one i never found out what happend to it :huh: so good luck i hope u get some good answers

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