Fish Addict
Hi everyone
9 days ago I got a new group of 10 cardinal tetras for my community tank. Acclimatised them slowly, they had hardly any red (from being stressed in the bag I assume) when I added them but they've since quickly coloured up nicely. Which is good, I had expected to maybe lose a few, but maybe I'm lucky *touch wood*. One had the lower part of its tail missing when I looked closely but other than that they looked good. Is it true that their 'redness' is a good indicator of their health/water quality?
Anyway, first few days they all hung out together and schooled well in the front (looked fantastic!
) but now they've settled in they've spread out a lot and are mostly hanging out in the plants at the back (out of the light I think). In the last two days I've noticed sometimes they're chasing each other and looking like they're trying to nip at each other. Is this normal? Should I be worried about this aggression, will they kill each other??? I've been doing a headcount every morning. Or is this some kind of breeding behaviour? I thought schooling fish all got along well with each other...
I wish they'd school again but I guess it just means they're not frightened or stressed. Their tankmates are cories, platies, and a large pearl gourami so I guess they have no reason to be feeling threatened.
Anyway, should I be worried about their behaviour? Is there anything I should do?
9 days ago I got a new group of 10 cardinal tetras for my community tank. Acclimatised them slowly, they had hardly any red (from being stressed in the bag I assume) when I added them but they've since quickly coloured up nicely. Which is good, I had expected to maybe lose a few, but maybe I'm lucky *touch wood*. One had the lower part of its tail missing when I looked closely but other than that they looked good. Is it true that their 'redness' is a good indicator of their health/water quality?
Anyway, first few days they all hung out together and schooled well in the front (looked fantastic!

I wish they'd school again but I guess it just means they're not frightened or stressed. Their tankmates are cories, platies, and a large pearl gourami so I guess they have no reason to be feeling threatened.
Anyway, should I be worried about their behaviour? Is there anything I should do?