My bristlenose sucks!


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Madison area, Wisconsin USA
Just wanted an opinion or a few....we have a 75 gal tank, originally I got two bristlenoses, but one died. I didn't realize until after I got it in the tank that it had one eye. I'm not sure if because of that it got stuck, not being able to have the normal vision...but it (she) got stuck, and I couldn't get her out. we've been down to one. He just isn't doing a good job...I had done my research, and learned these may be the best plecos to get. Is 75 gal too big for just one perhaps? Should I get another?

Awhile back I got some otos, but one by one, they died. Afraid 2 may have been eaten, because I never found bodies.

But the tank is a mess....and the bristlenose doesn't seem to be doing his job. Not sure if it would be worthwhile to add another one or two.

Off topic on this board, but I had also read about kissing gouramis cleaning the algae on the glass...I may consider that as well.

Thank you for any input. I'm darn near ready to get rid of my tank, because the cleaning upkeep seems much more to me than I thought it would be...
I've had a bristlenose in my tank for about 3 weeks now. When I first introduced it, I had a good deal of algae on some surfaces. In about three days he got it down to reasonable levels. I then started supplementing his diet with algae wafers. I noticed after that, that he got kind of lazy. He doesn't graze as much as he used to and I'm pretty sure it's because he prefers the algae wafers. However, I don't want to risk starving him to death so I'll just live with the fact that he's a bit lazy.

I just recently added three otos to my tank and I noticed that the BN seems to have "learned" from the otos. Maybe it's competition for food, but he's now grazing a bit more for algae. The otos are great by the way, but its early days and too soon to tell if mine will survive. So far they look great and my lfs keeps their otos in a beautiful plant large tank so I'm hopeful they are robust. Incidently, I have a 30 gallon. I'm fairly sure you could add another BN, although the otos are better at cleaning plants.
In a 75 gal the poor little begger will have its work cut out.

you could easliy have 6 in there - with enough caves:)

we have 8 2" in our 50gal - (growing up to go to new homes) and there is little problems apart from poop :)
How many could I have in my 33 gallon? Just one doesn't seem to be doing the job for me either...
Thanks for the replies.

I already went the oto route, and they did a WONDERFUL job, but I also have two pictus cats in there, who I think may have eaten a few of them. So I really don't want to do that....

I think I will get a couple more bristlenoses....however my usual LFS doesn't sell them anymore so I'll need to go elsewhere.

There is enough algae in the tank I am not supplementing at ALL with algae wafers.


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