My Bristlenose Problem


Fish Fanatic
Oct 21, 2008
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ok i had 2 golden females and 2 males, one male is golden and the other brown.

they all live together in same tank.

i got several spawns of brown babies which grew up and i sold them each time.

i decided to sell the brown dominant male so i could get golden babies instead - they worth more.

now ive seen golden babies several spawns, but for some reason they disappear after reaching a certain size.

i assume they are dying of something, could the golden male be at fault? i once saw a dying golden baby and it looked like its stomach cavity was empty.
dwarf puffer?

puffers are very aggressive. shouldnt be mixed with other fish, it could be eating the fry.

what fish and how many of them do you have in your tank? what are the tank dimensions ?
as far as i can see the puffer is peaceful. spends most of the time in hiding and i never see it chase anything.
the puffer didint eat the brown bristlenose spawn.

4 ft tank with a few platy and about 15 tetra a few bristlenose and some panda cory.
WHy do you think Albino are so rare in the wild?

Easier for predators to spot.

If they are literally 'disappearing' rather than dying and rotting then my guess would be the puffer is enjoying them.

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