My Breeding Tanks


Fish Herder
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
My 5 breeding tanks in my garage.

The dalmation molly parents are kept in the middle tank in the top picture. Their offspring then get transferred to the left tank. When they are larger and ready for selling they go to the far right.

In the lower picture my endler parents live in the left tank and their young are moved to the tank on the right 2 weeks after birth. When they are big enough for selling they move upstairs with the dalmations.!

This is my 1st post with pictures so here goes. Be gentle! Any questions please ask.....


Wow! That's a lot of tanks!! Bet it takes you ages to do a water change!! :rolleyes:

If only I had room for some more tanks...... !
Well i've got the cleaning off to a fine art these days. No it doesnt take long once you put your mind to it,although theres a big tank in the house too! You have to be dedicated but ive got the bug! :hyper:
I noticed you said "Selling" I am intrested in talking to you about some mollies for my tank.

Thanks Jeremy
I'll do a multiple reply- i have 5 tanks in the garage but i would like more but its down to time,electricity and water. Living in a bungalow restricts what power you have available as you have to share power with the house. I have an aqua 620t tank in the house which holds my "fancy" stuff. Four tanks were bought second hand with various items thrown in but it still cost 150 quid to set up with the frame and plants etc not to mention buying the tanks themselves.

Thanks for the nice comments-more comments are appreciated.
And on the selling front i only sell to LFS and the public who can collect or i deliver to. I dont post any fish. I like the human touch with people seeing and picking what they want. Sorry .
Anyway adam your tank looks real good, what do you have in it apart from the angel fish?
cheers mate :shifty: I have 2 angels 2 plecos 3 rainbows 4 congo tetra 3 zebra danios 1 silver shark 8 parrot ciclids 2 rams 2 scissortails 1 gourami.

i am going to be adding 5 large silver dollars soon and i might either be getting rid of te shark or getting him a tank mate if im not overstocked.

Cheers for the compiment

Which rainbows do you have-i really like the bosemanis- i get well tempted when i'm in the local lfs. Are they easy to keep-are there any problems associated with them?
not really mate , i have 2 bosamis (sp?) and i have another big red one , dont know what species it is but its about 6 inches long and bright red lol . hees gr8

i have had mine for a while now , peacefull fish and easy to keep . suitable for a community tank.

Hope this helped

Very tempted now-just need another tank!!!(not an option) or waiting for some more accomodation in my 620t. One day soon.! :drool:

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