My boys are getting a rowhouse


Feb 5, 2004
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Hi all, I wanted to show you my way of keeping my boys. The tank is almost ready, just needs to be cycled before my boys can move in :)

I am so bad with this kind of things that I just used regular tank with stuff that don't even need to be attached anyway. I use filter foam plates as dividers and I cut them to the right size that they will fit perfectly, sand between the plates will help to hold them in place too. And they reach all the way up, no chance for the boys to leap over. The dividers will also work as the filter, they are a sort of Hamburger mat filter. The hose goes through all the plates (and also strenghtens the structure). The boys will have nice, planted rooms for themselves. The plates don't need to be removed when cleaning, and I might use the Eheim Aquaball instead of normal powerhead so it collects some dirt too.

Thanks :)

I think it will be good since the boys can't see each other. I've used the same method before and it has proved succesful. The sand will be 0.1 - 0.6 mm sand blasting sand, the plants: Riccia sp. "Dwarf", Rotala wallichii, Cardamine lyrata, Eleocharis acicularis, Cladophora aegagropila and Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis.
That will be great for them.
rain- said:
I think it will be good since the boys can't see each other. I've used the same method before and it has proved succesful. The sand will be 0.1 - 0.6 mm sand blasting sand, the plants: Riccia sp. "Dwarf", Rotala wallichii, Cardamine lyrata, Eleocharis acicularis, Cladophora aegagropila and Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis.
I can't wait to see your pics after you plant it! :hyper: I know it will be amazing. :nod:

How many WPG will you have? :dunno:
About 2W/gallon:D
If I converted it right, 0.5W/liter. I will put a CO2 thingy there too and use bottom and liquid fertilisers. I want to make it look like a jungle :)

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