My Botia Straita!


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I am very annoyed! :X

Yesterday I moved four Badis badis from their qt tank where they were with 3 B.straita and 3 ADFs. There were 3 straita in the tank. I was sitting watching them be frantic in the stripped down tank. (My plan was to move the 3 B. Darios from the community Tetra tank to the new Badis tank and move the B.straita to the Community with two others.)

I got up today to find only two still in the tank. -_- ..I have moved everything, the tank is stripped down. I can find it no where. There is one little hole he might have jumped through perhaps. But he's no where to be found. If he jumped and then thrashed around he might have been able to move far enough on the carpet for the dog to find.

I am so venting!
:grr: I got 3 Badis badis, 3 B.straita and 3 B.Dario in the same order from DrsFosterandSmith last may to add to the 1 or 2 others of each group I had. One of the queens jumped soon after I got them. But the straita and badis had done very well. I have had to do several expensive orders to get them into reasonible groups. :grr:

Yes! I hate when that happens. I lost three Rasabora harlequins who jumped out of the hang on while they were acclimating once. I had to wait ever so long to get those. I had gotten the last 12.

Yes I hate it!!!!! :grr:
you probs still have all 3 botia striata, i have 6 but rarely see all 6 out and about, atm can only see 4, they are good at hiding just like most loaches, wait for a few days, i bet he'll show up soon. :D
:D Well, Red, you are so right! Yesterday I finished taking everything, I mean everything, out! (Oh well a sifting of sand, which I had stirred all around, some uneaten live blackworms, and the heater are still in there.) I chased the 2 Botia all around that empty 12 usg. I took the eclipse filtration out to investigate. This morning all alone in an empty tank, wandering around in wonderment, is the 3rd Botia straita!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just like magic! It makes you wonder where he was.

I've been watching this thread in suspense. I'm glad he is OK. :rolleyes:
Jolly - thats awesome!! Wahoo and Congrats! :good: :good: Now try and keep them in the tank!! :hey:
Keep us updated and post some pics if you ever see them again!! :lol:
Wahoo! Indeed!

I thank you and Waldo thanks you. (Waldo from "Where's Waldo?") He's a sneaky little devil. Must have gone for stroll the other night. I told him next time to bring home a lady friend or two.

This is , what?, the 3rd day and it shows -0- nitrites or ammonia. All I did was put a bio wheel in that had been sitting in the African Rift tank on top of the drip plate, use some TLC, and EcoComplete planting substrate. I have not even put any media from another tank. I have some bio balls cloned and ready if needed.

I expect the straita will do a loach dance someday. I will take a pic then if the camera is handy, battery charged, and room on the card.

If I ever see the opportunity, I will move the 2 in the community tank to be with them. But chasing Botia in a 100 usg planted community tank is not my idea of fun. That could cause some excitement though.

Actually I have been plotting an order from drsfosterandsmith for some 15 or 20 black harlequin Rasaboras, 6 B.straita and 3 B.dario. Then I could have shoals of both sets of straita and the darios w/o catching and moving anything. I am BAD! :blush: any excuse to go fish shopping.
I had to block aquabid from my computer because I was going crazy!! Luckily, I usually got outbid. I am dying for one of the "rarer" plecos. Which is why Ive blocked myself from aquabid!! Ive browsed Dr. Fosers and Smith, but haven't made any purchases from them. Sounds like it works well for you! Do you have any LFS that you go to or do you just order online?!
Again congrats on the find! I really think the next time your fish need some exercise just chase them aroudn with a net! :fun:
Hopefully you can get a pic when they are warmed up in there new home!
:lol: Well now that AB has gotten me used to paying shipping, I am getting more and more comfortable with drsfosterandsmith/liveaquaria. The really good thing about them is the "live delivery/14 day guarantee. And they have always honored it, even when it was clearly my fault.

I have two very good locals. One is an African Cichlid lfs where I get most of my specialty tanks. The other is a 2nd or 3rd generation lps. But sometimes I want something, that they don't have, and I get caught up in the "shopping".

I just came from there with their last 11 neon Rasaboras for the Badis tank. I also got a critter ID'd that I found clinging to a decoration/cave when I was breaking the tank down. It turned out to be a river leach that eats only black worms. I'm surprised the Badis didn't eat it. Guess I'm overfeeding them :rolleyes:

I have seen the three straita poking around together and watching me from under a driftwood--waiting for din-din no doubt. (But they get nothing for at least today.) Only as soon as I move to get the camera, and get it ready, they are whoosh________behind a ground cover. :lol: little cuties

I have their tank in a good quiet spot: it is in the bathroom. It should make an interesting tank to watch quietly.

I can give you tips BTW on how to take a bid at AB. :hyper: :p
Im glad it decided to show up again. Loaches can be very tricky. I have 7 B. kubotia and they will hide like that for a day or so. They always show up when they get hungury enough. They really dont that anymore, but they are full of character just like the B. striata :D
Jolly - A 14-day live guarantee is pretty nice for a mail order! Most of our LFS don't even offer that! We did just get a new store (though it is worldwide) PetLand - I think. They have a pretty good variety and on Wed and Thurs from 6-8 all there fish are buy 1 get 1. So, I of course came home last night with 4 YoYo loaches!! AHHH! I have to stop! Luckily, I didn't lose any of them!!! :lol:
PM with aquabid takes! Or you can share on here. It appears as if most this board is from the UK! Unfortunate for them because aquabid is great!!
Wait until the last minute to make your bid. Won't always get it, but helps keep the bids from going up as much and, if the timing is just right, will get the bid. It also will keep the item from appearing HOT

Also pm the seller, some sellers will make a deal, especially if they have lots of stock. Some are just looking for the connection to buyers, and the price is the same. Some are looking to increase their positive feedback reputation. It's always good to pm the seller, ask a question, and make a connection with them. They will usually let you know what their policy is. I stay away from overseas buys now--just too expensive, unless you are going into major breeding.

Recently I bought some major fish. The seller has just bought a well established big operation. He needs to get his feed back #'s up, turn over lots of fish, and make his reputation. He had me bid on an item up for bid; then he awarded the bid to me and gave me the fish at an agreed upon price. Then he just reposted the item offer. I gave him the feedback and got a good price. This was all accomplished because I pm'd the seller to find out what he was offering.

I believe the UK can legally get non fish items from AB, and some people take the chance with illegal shipments.
Ive had some luck with that myself. I worry a bit about some of the sellers on aquabid though. Some of the ratings are awful!! I just don't bid from them. -_-
Once something gets hot its outta my league!! LOL. Either way have fun with your new guys and have a great weekend!

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