My Blue Panchax Killi's


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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well i just recently got 2 new blue panchax killi's and i got lucky and found a female for my male killifish that was a long time member of my community tank and unfortunately i wasnt so lucky with the other killi and my bug one is slowly tearing him apart
i could set up a new community tank i just dont have anywhere to put it at the moment ant the pet store wont take him back what can i do?
Two male killifish and only one female spells disaster for the weaker male.
I would buy a cheap small critter plastic tank and float it in the main tank, place the harassed fish in this until such time you decide what to do. Otherwise you are looking at an eventual death.
Two male killifish and only one female spells disaster for the weaker male.
I would buy a cheap small critter plastic tank and float it in the main tank, place the harassed fish in this until such time you decide what to do. Otherwise you are looking at an eventual death.

would a breeder tank suffice if the situation goes critical?
also i would like to add:
the smaller male is harassing the female now but the big one is leaving her alone
is this normal?
do blue panchax killi's school?
thanks BigC
do blue panchax killi's school
Quick answer NO, as with most killifish.But there are some termed as Killifish that will.
Just seperate into a trap large enough to hold the fish you have. They can jump.
Best solution would be to buy a small all glass aquarium 16"x8"x8" will do for now, no substrate, 2-3 large synthetic spawning mops, air driven sponge filter and a heater. Place one male and one female and thats what I would do. I dont know how you are placed to do that though.
thanks again BigC
im taking him back but the petsore but they wont refund him as he might not live to be sold again im taking him tommorow
also i spotted 2 normans lampeye killi's can i have some info on them? im intrested i them
Aplochielichthys normani/Poropanchax normani (new nomaclature) are quite readily available these days. They are a shoaling species and very small, they like a good water flow and they love swimming against this. I would suggest that you buy a dozen or more. They are not too difficult to sex.
They like clean fast flowing water water with a pH of around 7.4, General Hardness should be around 120ppm and temperature around 78'F.
Aply.Porop. normani males have more pointed (yellowish) finnage than the females whose will be more rounded, also the males will have a slight blue tinge to their abdomens whereas the females body will be silver. The females will be slightly more robust and rounded in the belly region also, with good feeding
Like most killifish they do not like bright lighting, so a densely planted tank, dark substrate and surface plants will show them off to their best advantage.
The fish like to spawn in crevices and if you would like further info on breeding then just ask. They will take to flake and frozen foods readily and the adults love newly hatched brineshrimp and Grindalworm.
Hope this was of some help

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