My Blue Legged Hermit Crab


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Essex - UK
I just went to my tank after a day at work and noticed a bit of a dip in the sand, after a closer inspection i noticed my blue legged hermit crab was laying there dead without any shell.

Now there was hardly anything of him, is this normal? Has he shed his shell and moved on or what?

FYI - I have a yellow tang, yellow tail damzel (not aggressive) and a clown... Also a few snails
Do you just leave the left over in the tank of get it out and bin it?
I've read that it's best to leave them in...

When they molt they use up lots of iodine etc. when they have finished shedding the shed can release all of this back into the water apparantly :look:
i leave mine in 2 ;) i heard it was good somewhere. might be that iodine
thing...really cant remember. -_-
I also leave all my molts in the tank :) If it really bothers you aesthetically you can remove it, but I just dont want to bother :)
Leave the molt in...good protein for the scavengers. Agreed...probably molted. SH

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