My Blue Gourami Has Killed


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
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He has killed two other fish, does this mean that he needs to be by himself? :unsure: :unsure:
A few questions:
1. What fish did s/he kill?
2. Do you know the gender?

I had him/her (How do confirm the sex ?) in a tank with some tetras and angel fish.

What is the best fish to put in with him/her? I do not want any more fish to suffer due to my ignorance? :blush:
Unfortunately not uncommon. Male Trichopterus trichogaster (including blue gouramis, yellow gouramis, and any number of other varieties) simply aren't good community fish -- they're aggressive, territorial, and short-tempered. The size of the tank is a big factor, and they go for "similar" fishes (i.e., not just their own species but also angelfish, dwarf gouramis, etc.) most of all. But still, best avoided or else kept in tanks with robust species either too heavily armoured to be damaged or too fast to be caught.

Cheers, Neale

He has killed two other fish, does this mean that he needs to be by himself?
Thank you for the information, sadley until I can afford another large tank he is stuck in my five gallon isolation tank by himself. I hope he will be ok until then, whish him luck.
Unfortunately not uncommon. Male Trichopterus trichogaster (including blue gouramis, yellow gouramis, and any number of other varieties) simply aren't good community fish -- they're aggressive, territorial, and short-tempered. The size of the tank is a big factor, and they go for "similar" fishes (i.e., not just their own species but also angelfish, dwarf gouramis, etc.) most of all. But still, best avoided or else kept in tanks with robust species either too heavily armoured to be damaged or too fast to be caught.Cheers, Neale
He has killed two other fish, does this mean that he needs to be by himself?
20 gallons, and he killed one of each
HOw big is your tank? And did he kill the tetras, or the angelfish?

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