Well I gave them all thier own heaters because people think that bettas aren't topical when they are. They need warm water and that one of my own pet peevs about bettas so they have thier own toasty 78-80 degree bowls (they even have a constant temp, the temp never changes!)
I want sand too. I like your bettas. If I can ever get to home dopot and see if they have any of that tropical play sand I'm getting some and changeing all my tnaks over to it.
Oh, I wasn't criticizing the existence of the heaters, just their size. A malfunction could end in cooked fish.
Anyways, I like that you're looking out for the best interest of your fish. (Comes out weird, but better than misspelling fish, plural and possessive. )
Walmart has sterile play sand as well. It is not easy to keep clean, and gets stirred up easy. On the other hand, a large bag is less than 3.00 .. so you can replace the sand without much cost.
I very much aggree with fisherman. I bought two large bags of play sand from Walmart(came to under $6) and it was enough to cover my 55gallon long and my 35gallon! The only rough part is rinsing it out about 28 times.
Those are great shots Danno. What size are those bowls? 1gallons?
I started out using sand for my first aqaurium, and have since moved on to using small colored rocks (7-10m). Eaiser to clean the tank with small rocks.