Rainbow is doing great he is living happily in a 2 gallon bowl. I moved him out of that frightful .5 gallon bowl my sister had him in. He wasn't feeling well not long ago but he is doing much better now! He such a fun guy to watch. Oh and Rainbow is a veiltail/plakat. He is red with metallic green colour.
Risteek is living in a 10 gallon with two otos. He hasn't been bugging them thankfully. He is over his finrot. And loves to ride the small current from his whisper filter. he is such a happy guy. He is a veiltail. With a pink body, white fins with redy purple and blue splotched on his tail and fins. He has a disformity from the petshop. He is missing half his beard on the left side and the left ventral fins. But he is pretty none the less.
Miko is my newest guy
I got him from Big Al's. (I love that place). He is living in a 2 gallon and just loves to show off and flare. He is a Crowntail. He has a red body, with a bluey-redy tail and then at the tips of his tail it is red. I wuv him he is so pretty freaking out at his refelction 
Well that is all of my bettas. I thought I should just update since I haven't been on here forever.
Risteek is living in a 10 gallon with two otos. He hasn't been bugging them thankfully. He is over his finrot. And loves to ride the small current from his whisper filter. he is such a happy guy. He is a veiltail. With a pink body, white fins with redy purple and blue splotched on his tail and fins. He has a disformity from the petshop. He is missing half his beard on the left side and the left ventral fins. But he is pretty none the less.
Miko is my newest guy
Well that is all of my bettas. I thought I should just update since I haven't been on here forever.