My Bettas


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Milpitas, CA
Poseidon, Nereus and Triton - all named after greek gods. =) I've had Poseidon for about a year now and he's pretty huge with beautiful color and long long fins- he lets me pet him which is nice! Nereus and Triton are new - I like to keep one at work at my desk - they're so interactive with me, I get attached easily... :wub:



lovely fish :drool: :drool: my fish in the front room has taken a dislike to my little dog they glare at each other and he flares at her which makes her run off. :lol:
thanks =) poseidon (first one) is cute...he knows my face. when i put my face up to the tank he'll just stare back at me and blow bubbles - but when my brother puts his face up to the tank, poseidon will flare up his gills/fins! my baby knows me :wub:
Very nice pics! :* The CT (Triton?) looks a lot like the steel blue CT I got from Petsmart a few days ago... he is really adorable. Maybe they're brother, since we live so close?!

Also, just to let you know, I have girls for adoption from my spawn! Since you live so close, it'd probably just take a day Priority to get to you. ;0) Tempting isn't it?
Yes, tempting...however I have no idea how to breed betta but I'm sure I'll learn from this forum!
Very nice pics! :* The CT (Triton?) looks a lot like the steel blue CT I got from Petsmart a few days ago... he is really adorable. Maybe they're brother, since we live so close?!

Also, just to let you know, I have girls for adoption from my spawn! Since you live so close, it'd probably just take a day Priority to get to you. ;0) Tempting isn't it?

I bet they are brothers :) Is your ct eating? Mine ate the first two days I got him but then now he hasn't eaten for 4 days straight...I've changed his water, tried feeding him dried blood worms, flakes, and the betta balls but he just ignores the food now :/ I want to go exchange him but then again I don't want to give up on him either!

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